Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Iā€™d expand on it by saying that I donā€™t think they are all involved in Angela Kerins type shenanigans, but more that they have a vested interest in keeping themselves going first and foremost and dedicate their time and resources first.

Same is also, overwhelmingly, true for NGOs

Iā€™d be interested in hearing what charities arenā€™t. Thereā€™s very few Iā€™d trust, especially on a global or national level. Hospices wouldnā€™t count.

No, hospices and the people that work in them are as close to saints as Iā€™ve ever encountered.


Only the 34000 NGOs in Ireland.

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Do you think itā€™s enough?

Separate conversation obviously

Charity does not = NGO

Thatā€™s nonsense anyway.

Agreed. Would you hazard a guess at the percentage of them that are though? Given whatt we know about the crc, console, bothar, rehab, the rnli and all the rest.

Thereā€™s a very large number of charities, Iā€™d say the ones that are ā€œa complete and utter fraudā€ are very few. So Iā€™d say a very small percentage, less than one. Many or maybe even most charities are filling gaps in our public service and particularly the health service.

The RNLI is a complete and utter fraud :joy:
Thereā€™s a real world out there

The rise of neoliberalismm and the emphasis on the individual over the collective in political and economy policy during this time also had a knock on impact on cultural production.

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The chuggers are circling.

Good documentary on the era here.

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Technology also advanced which meant you had to be less and less of a collective to produce music.

Tim Vickery used to remark about bands in England that every neighbourhood had its own band/s, that it almost had the air of a sort of local youth defence batallion culture about it.

This culture endured to the 90s at least and Oasis perpetuated that culture for a while but at the same time sort of ossified it, and after that music and the idea of being in a band became more and more a middle class pursuit.

Worth a read:

Gofundmes piss me off completely and the inner cunt in me would hazard a guess that a sizeable number of them are a quick money spinner.

Fairly sure I read it a long time ago.

The so called western military-industrial complex is utterly essential to preserving basic freedom in Europe.

Yes, trillions couldnā€™t possibly be spent more effectively

They could of course be spent more effectively but sadly Putin and his Chinese buddies exist as well as a whole host of other vile regimes who want basic freedoms in the west to collapse, and no amount of delusion will make that go away.

And there are plenty of loons in the west itself who want the west to collapse, such as yourself.

The most charitable view of anybody who doesnā€™t recognise that the western military industrial complex is an entirely necessary thing is that they have a Mary Poppins view of the world.

In many cases these ā€œviewsā€ are an obvious front for a desire that a Russia/China led military complex dominates the world.

I think youā€™re stuck somewhere between these two positions.