Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Why have they done to put themselves at the same level as Putin?

The Uighurs?

I donā€™t know know whether theyā€™re on the same level as Putin, all that matters is theyā€™re allied to him.

Theyā€™re committing what seems like a thinly veiled genocide against the Uyghurs and itā€™s pretty clear they want to invade Taiwan. Theyā€™re aiding Russia in its war on Ukraine. Theyā€™re a dictatorship being led by an extremely dangerous nationalist and the regime now seems to be making a bollix of running the country.

The fact is, there are two geo-political camps. Thereā€™s the one led by America which contains Europe, Australia, Canada, Japan, South Korea etc., and then thereā€™s the one led by China and Russia.

If youā€™re an India with 1.4 billion people you can attempt to try and play these camps off against each other.

For Ireland and other individual European, it should a bloody easy choice as to which camp youā€™re allied with.

No, canā€™t pay that. I mean, small bit of ethnic cleansing, ill grant you that. But full scale bombing the chinese lads have yet to adoptā€¦

thereā€™s far more than just two as much as media/nato would like have it alligned in such simplistic terms.

just interesting youre putting a whole nation of people in the same sentence as once despot. some could claim that as subtle racism. Not me now ming you, ive no gra for such debate. But someā€¦

Edit: ming a misspelling but will leave for posterity!

South America as a whole told America to fuck off recently when they tried to strong arm the continent into providing arms to Ukraineā€¦ The south American countries as a bloc said the world should be pursuing peace not more armament and prolonging war and death.

Iā€™m not even sure it made the headlines in many western countries. It doesnā€™t suit the narrative of continuing war at all costs.

War is money after allā€¦


There are two main camps, same as in the Cold War.

The key difference now is that the Russia/China camp have active fifth columnists within the west, the key one being the Republican party in the US and especially the Trump cabal, plus your Brexiteers like Farage and the far right in Europe. Thereā€™s a small but highly vocal online tankie movement which publicly identifies as ā€œleftā€ but in reality are largely in alliance with with the far right and certainly in alliance with China and Russia.

China is led by a despotic regime. Geopolitics is played according to who leads countries and their aims. Racism doesnā€™t even come into it. Thatā€™s why the leadership of the US is such a big deal. The rest of the world can breathe a bit easier if the US is led by somebody like Biden who is committed to the traditional post World War II transatlantic alliance. If the US is led by Trump, who wants to blow that alliance apart, itā€™s a serious, pretty much existential problem for Europe and the free world.

This is why Europe needs to seriously beef up its own defence capabilities. The consequences of what its happening with Putin invading Ukraine are World War II like.

Thereā€™s an axis of autocracy in the world. It runs through Trump and the Republican party, Russia, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Assad, Venezuela, the current Indian regime of the BJP, the Israeli far right, North Korea, the Brexiteers, the European far right and the tankies. It also runs through Elon Musk. Some of those are not allied to each other, ie. Iran and Saudi Arabia, the US right wing and China, and yet in a way they are, because they all benefit from the fall of liberal democracy worldwide.

Thereā€™s this bizarre thing in the US right-wing bubble where they claim to hate China and yet are openly cheerleaders for Putin, who is Chinaā€™s ally. Theyā€™re living a public delusion.

I see the online tankiesphere is furious with Lula because they see him as being pro-Ukraine.


China is the only rival to the US as the preeminent global superpower. Russia wanted to be the third, and wanted each to be allowed do whatever they wanted in their own spheres of influence. China is pretty regressive to put it mildly. No they havenā€™t invaded anywhere like Russia has done with Ukraine yet, but thereā€™s little doubt the want to extend their influence and are open to doing so in ways we the west would consider negative, again to put it mildly.

UN general assembly resolution calling for Russia to leave Ukraine 147 - 7 with 32 abstentions. It can break simplistically enough sometimes.

Also an inconvenient truth that makes a lot of people very uncomfortable is NATO is essentially an anti-imperialist entity, and itā€™s certainly an anti-imperialist idea, itā€™s as anti-imperialist an idea as you can get.

We have seen the ultimate proof of that now, as countries who joined NATO do not get invaded by Russia, while countries who werenā€™t accepted into NATO do get invaded by Russia.

You just have to spend a certain percentage of your GDP on purchasing arms every yearā€¦ I wonder where they buy all their shit from? But yeah, more guns in the world is always good. Thatā€™s why you and @glasagusban are such pro gun nuts.

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The times they are a changing

The left have completely been swallowed up by everything they once stood against - they are now in favour of the military industrial complex, censorship, neoliberalismā€¦

Itā€™s fascinating to watch. The left has eaten itself.

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Whatā€™s the left these days? It seems to everything that isnā€™t very obviously right (wing)
Seems a very broad categorisation altogether, much of which would be in direct opposition to itself :man_shrugging:

It doesnā€™t exist. Itā€™s now on the right screaming for war and murder.

You could sub USA in there for China and thereā€™d be little difference

Not correct, no. I think the US is a shit show of a country, but theyā€™re not the same as China, no. Youā€™re just playing silly buggers with this one I think.

The way the left has become cheerleaders for the white house and US govā€™t policy is hilarious. No questioning, all supporting. Because orange man bad.

Iā€™m not tbh. I also wouldnā€™t say am anti or pro either. Not everything is black and white; good or bad.