Unpopular opinions or views you hold

You keep talking about ā€œreligionā€ and yet you endorse the views of a narcissistic blowhard who knows nothing about science, ridicules science and believes there is no looming climate catastrophe.

Thatā€™s a religion, thatā€™s a Jim Jones style cult.

The whole sports star celebratory cigar thing is totally cringe.

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WATCH: Thousands flock to Corkā€™s first Eucharistic Procession since onset of covid

Iā€™m proud and really happy being a full practicing RC male
In secular Ireland

Thousand of ppl professed their faith today in Cork City
Fuck the begrudgers


The first was held in 1926 when a group of businessmen approached the then-Bishop, Daniel Cohalan, with the idea of staging a procession through the city to celebrate the Catholic faith as part of wider efforts to heal post-Civil War divisions.

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Twould have been madness putting the Munster Final on down there today with the bible thumpers out in force, great that sense saw out in Tuadh Mumhan.


Pity a few of the hat and dress wearing cunts didnā€™t come out and protect the children of Ireland from their pedophile priests.


Lots did bud,lots did.
Irrespective of what u think or say.
To me it has given me everything.
Iā€™m christian first and foremost.
RC and proud of it then.

'Faith of our fathers ā€™

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Youā€™re entitled to your religious beliefs.

Youā€™re not entitled to whitewash history to defend an organization that facilitated and covered up the rape of hundreds of children in their care. From popes on down they protected animals who should have been prosecuted and locked up. If what you believe is true they are all burning in hell.

Thereā€™s nothing to admire about the Catholic Church in 20th century Ireland, they are a stain on our history.



I would perhaps add There was plenty of good nuns and priests, but the Catholic Church had no redeeming feature and wholeheartedly agree with your evisceration


Nobody is whitewashing anything
Unless youā€™ve been under a rock last 10 years plus

My church my faith
My choice
End of

Not for turning.

Weā€™d be still in hedge schoolā€™s without them.

Also have you or any relation
1- been christened
4- educated
5- confirmed
By my church in any way?
Then I suggest hypocrisy at the highest level.


Your answer is obviously yes to at least most of my questions

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The Nazis built great roads, cars and rockets.
And ovens, really good at ovens.


The hedge schools might also have been more appealing that the slaughter houses the church hothoused.

Thereā€™s a post that could be copied in 6 months and taken out of context


No doubt it will.

I couldnā€™t give a fraction of a fuck about Christy Dignam dying.

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I get you, I like Christy but celebrity deaths generally donā€™t mean anything to me, youā€™d have the odd one where somebody meant a lot to you at a certain stage in your life I suppose

Christy Dignam was a miserable junkie scrote.