Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Iā€™ve often said, and itā€™s true,
Even though itā€™s not the nicest shop the petrol station in the Fairgreen has by far the best deli in Limerick


A top, top deli - I lived round the corner from it a few years back. Surprising given the shop itself and the size of the deli as you say.

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100pc. itā€™s almost unheard of in the ego driven world of top sport for that to happen. I wouldnā€™t have thought there was any huge previous link between the two men either.

Best car wash in town.

The same lads are there for 15 years. Excellent.

I wouldnt be gone on the deli, but each to their own.

Edit. Iā€™m talking about the petrol station as you go towards Mulgrave Street. My bad.

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I actually donā€™t know how they do it, everything seems to be cooked absolutely perfectly and is never dried out, perhaps because theyā€™re so busy and the menu isnā€™t massive
Itā€™s hard to pass without popping in for a few sausage rolls at least

Is that the small one with the lads doing the car wash? I stopped in there last Sunday for something and there was a smashing smell of curry going on there. And that was half 2 on a Sunday.


You missed a trick, thatā€™s a savage curry, theyā€™ll pour it over anything you want as well


It was a quick in and out. I was en route back from Valentia and was picking up the small one. Food wasnā€™t on my mind at the time. Good to know for future reference as itā€™s close enough to my in laws.

Weā€™re on about the same one. The carwash there is some operation.

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Great carwash. Was there manyā€™s a time.

The only time my cars would see a car wash is before the NCT

Is that an unpopular opinion (sort of)

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That was the last time I washed mine (May). I took it to a car wash at Christmas before that Iā€™d say! We donā€™t have outside tap in yet and donā€™t want to use up all the water in the water butt just to wash car.

And what about your car?


Sure the rain will wash it the finest

I enjoy getting my car washed regularly anyway. It really brings out the beauty of it.

Youā€™re also helping out good lads from Brazil that are working hard for years in that forecourt.

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Only unpopular with @iron_mike id say. The only time i wash mine is after ive driven on the sand and then its the underside only.*

*the kids still enjoy it so id take them through it the odd time

Once a week for me anyway, couldnā€™t be looking at a dirty car and the sites Iā€™m on are magnets for it.

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Each to their own. I lived beside a lad who used to wash his car three times a week. I usually wash it regularly when I change car but Iā€™m five years into this one and just couldnā€™t give a fuck anymore.


I wouldnt get it washed every week realistically. Once every two or three weeks is ideal. Honestly, its 10 euro and the fellas there do an unbelievable job. Theyā€™re sound Brazilian lads who have families. The car looks brand new after it.

Its a no brainer.

I agree.

Mind you I am 11 1/2 years with this car and close to 400k Kms so keeping it going is a higher priority.