Unpopular opinions or views you hold

If you had a newer car you would be more inclined to keep it looking well, Iā€™m sure?

We have a newish family car and my own well loved older lad,
It wouldnā€™t bother me if it had a bit of dirt, I wouldnā€™t even notice, but we wouldnā€™t be driving around in shit either

Well I do spend a lot of time on the roads in tipp so do wash it every 3 months or so as a matter of necessity.

Youā€™re always banging on about climate change, yet you live in the middle of a city and have two cars. The fucking hypocrisy.

Id usually wash mine on average once a month. Need to give it a hoover once a week though as I spend so much time in it

Iā€™d always be suspicious of fellas who clean their car too much

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Ok guys, how often you wash your car isnt that interesting


Given your line of work, the weekly vacuum is well needed Iā€™d say

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Youd miss the aul cub scouts knocking on the door for the ā€œbob a jobā€ Theyā€™d make a solid fortune out of me


Just wow


Agreed except I wouldnā€™t bother my hole washing my car for the NCT either.
My car is a bucket of shite though. Itā€™s run itā€™s race but it owes me nothing.
Thereā€™s a lad that comes to your house to valet your car and Iā€™ve got him a few times to do the inside, but Iā€™d never bother with the outside. I donā€™t see any logic to it really. Plenty rain to clean it.

I wash the van once a year before the DOE.

Once or twice a year, maybe a bonus wash if Iā€™ve a funeral or similar (wedding) to attendā€¦unless the oul fella wants to go along, in which case weā€™ll take his motor, as he struggles getting in and out of either the twin cam (too low) or the jeep (too high)

Mugs game, footering about under the seats and trying to reach all the nooks and crannies. A leaf blower is the tool. Two minutes, oxo etc

He had a very good monologue on the All Ireland this morning. He ā€œgetsā€ the GAA.

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I was surprised he knew who nudie hughes is.

He (Callan) is from Monaghan

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The Elvis film that was out this/last year is pure shite.


Ive said it before and Ill say it again. Any critically acclaimed film is in general putrid.

Yep. Too wanky an approach for an important and interesting subject matter.