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Nobody gives a fuck if they host a few pre-season friendlies. They’re already hosting the Spanish Super Cup. Again, nobody cares. It’s dick waving.

Not very much. These places built new cities and became airline hubs and paid westerners high wages. That’s why they go there. Not because of Manchester City.

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When they host an actual league game the stadium will be full and there’ll be more Irish than anyone else out there.

You made a really stupid comment and now you are digging in just move on.

It’s a sport washing operation.



Duh it’s a sportswashing operation. The question is what exactly they’re trying to achieve with this league and whether it will work or not.

I don’t see it working. Buying the club formerly known as Newcastle at least has some sort of strategy behind it as it buys you a load of volunteer trolls for their regime online.

Two of last seasons top 4 had Middle Eastern owners. Arsenal play in the emirates stadium.

They are investing hugely in the epl.

Guaranteed if there’s games going they’ll end up out there before New York or Chicago.

Both man United and Liverpool could be Middle Eastern owned too.

I wish the cunts waste evey penny they have, but they’re buying up property in every major European city for the past 20 years. Some amount of London is in their hands now.

To overtake Dubai as the main tourist industry in the Middle East.

Sport is an obvious attraction for tourists.

Having a host of extremely famous footballers is going to help when they go bidding for a World Cup.

I’d hope they do too but people just aren’t that principled unfortunately and fellas will start to flock there just like Dubai.

This (beefing up their leagues for tourism purposes) is a bit different to buying up overseas assets which has long been a strategy.

In terms of the “not competing with the PL”, I don’t see the logic unless that is what they ultimately do. There are only every a few genuine global football stars every generation and they won’t get them all. They would arguably be an attraction if they could make themselves a competitive league, host and win a Club World Cup (in the expanded sense). I think that’s a stretch personally but that’s it.

What serious difference are the likes of Henderson and Benzama going to make? I can understand Ronaldo completely, but again there are only a few of them.

I reckon this recent strategy is more of a childish reaction to the “success” of those other oil sinkholes within football as a whole.


It’s similar to the golf strategy.

They went after everyone in a mad rush to get attention.

Almost act as a disrupter until people come to the table with them which is exactly what happened in the golf.

Golf makes some sense though. It is an individuals sport that would have been seen as relatively easy to take over. Indeed even the Hearn’s Matchroom have shown that you can take over sports that are largely individually based. The logic was there in that it was also high net work individuals. It was also an absolutely attempt to takeover the sport, something you are saying they are not trying to do here.

It doesn’t make as much sense with team sports. It’s not something they can control. Bringing in a Ronaldo as your Vegas like headliner makes some sense but again, this goes beyond that with the array of signings they’ve made.

I personally think this is more about vanity than a grand plan. I’m sure there is some paper detailing it as some grand plan but owning Manchester City and building some local facilities is hardly guaranteeing multi generational wealth beyond oil for those nation states.

Buying up property and proper assets in the rest of the world makes sense.

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Are we sure these lads are making money in tourism? As long as they are pulling oil out of the ground they’re okay, but I wouldn’t have thought those tourism figures are independent.

In Boxing, everybody says ‘great its being made, pity its in Saudi’. Nobody from the UK went to AJ v Usyk or AJ v Ruiz in Jeddah. You could hear a pin drop in the arena.

As I said I’m sure signing Henderson and Fabinho has gone down a treat with liverpools owners.

If it’s proposed Newcastle are playing an epl game out there what club would be most agreeable to that ??

I’m sure it won’t happen overnight but it’ll become another Dubai. Small chance they go bust but I doubt it.

The MAGA/awkward squad types love that shite

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The Middle East has already been successful in attracting clubs there with bags of cash.

They don’t need to hand over bags and bags more just to do it.

It also does not make economic sense- in most western countries paying for events makes little sense as is.

It’s a vanity project, let’s not dress it up as much more. The reason why other Middle Eastern countries attracted Westerners was because of high paying jobs, low taxes and investing in amenities.


Can’t see tourism getting a foothold in Saudi unless they drop their alcohol ban


Of course it is. They want to own the biggest stars in the world. That’s all it is.

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Russel Crowe is a complete gobshite