Unpopular opinions or views you hold

I’d agree with this

You could also argue that they poached Liverpool’s captain, left them with a lack of leadership in midfield and in desperate need of another cdm which they’ve yet to find. You’re seriously overstating how “helpful” the Saudis have been here.

You could argue that. But you’d be an absolute twat if you did. Pretty much every liverpool fan i know was happy to see the back of him. He was never creative. He was an organiser and excellent at pressing for 3/4 years. That ability is long gone.

Himself and Fabinho started in a Champions League final 14 months ago. The Saudis also went after Thiago the other midfielder from that final.

Look at the influence of players like Fernandinho and Milner at City and Liverpool in recent years when they were considerably older than 33. I’d doubt Klopp expected to lose Fabinho as well and it’s left him with an ever bigger rebuild in one summer than he would have anticipated.

Henderson is a huge loss to Liverpool. He was a terrific captain and leader. While never a world beater he made the best of what he had and struck me as a terrific pro with great leadership qualities with a great love of the club.

Then he went to Saudi for the coin.


i’d hazard a guess at Man City

Hard blame him for taking a few bob that anyone else would take in his situation.

Think there was a break down in relations between Dubai and the Saudis which is why the Saudis took a sudden interest in sport in recent years.

He gave it loads about being so attached to the club, the manager etc and then the LGBG thing.

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exactly, a man is judged by his deed not his words.

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He told them what they wanted to hear. That’s the game. It’s always been the game.

I genuinely think he meant it all, but…money.

That’s the way of the world.

Live Aid was highly overrated as a significant event of the 20th century

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In cultural terms it isn’t. It’s probably the most significant concert of all time, certainly the most cultural significant music event in Europe ever, really only Woodstock can rival it as landmark one-off concert or festival anywhere. And musically it was brilliant, because it gathered the world’s leading artists together on the same bill in a way that had never happened before and hasn’t happened since.

I’m not the person to say exactly how much benefit the money was to Ethiopia, but people genuinely tried to help, and I don’t see how you can criticise that.

In Irish cultural terms it’s arguably the birth of modern Ireland. The Irish were front and centre in it, and their contribution was audacious and bold in a way Irish people were simply supposed not to be. It helped to create a confidence in being Irish and in Irish culture and popular culture that propelled a massive change in Irish society.

Ireland in 1985 was a shithole, and we all felt it was a shithole. By 1990 we were dancing on the streets and by 1995 nobody thought the country was a shithole anymore, we thought it was a great place. And it wasn’t the worst by a long shot.


Very very strongly disagree but this is the wrong thread for that

What age were you in 1985?

Wasnt born but people of a certain age harp on about it as an amazing significant event that changed the world, tbh not really. @Cheasty did make a good point about the intention of chairty for famine in Ethiopia and tbf all evidence points to that funding did go to those in need. The much mailgned (on here) bob geldof did a stellar job. I saw him at an interview event with Joseph o Connor in the concert hall in UL speak about the organisation of it, again i admire the work he did. It was a fair achievement but people of a certain vintage go on about it like it was a significant to world history as the fall of the berlin wall, moon landing or hirosima

Modern ireland? A concert in Wembley, bit of a stretch. Ireland was a shithole then no doubt, in some aspects we are way better off now but in fact you can still describe most of the country as a shithole. Look at tipp still in the 1800s, theres folks up north who think its 1690

Geldof was the primary organiser. U2 stole the show. The performance of Bad is at Live Aid is one of the greatest live performances of a song in history.

From a distance of 38 years, people can scoff at the impact Geldof and Bono made. But there and then they made an impact on the global consciousness in a good way like no Irish cultural figures have done since. Like with Sinéad O’Connor, we’ll only realise what giants these people really were until they’re dead. I don’t care what people’s opinion of Geldof is. He made a difference, he was unapologetic, and he made history. U2 were the best act at Live Aid. They meant it, they weren’t faking it, they fucking nailed it.

Queen were faking it alright. The great Tim Vickery has regularly and searingly demolished Queen and their performance at Live Aid. Queen had played Sun City in 1984. Their showcase song at Live Aid contained the line “no time for losers”. Still, I suppose they at least turned up, but they were faking it.

Ireland donated the most per capita to live aid. It was a worldwide event with over a billion watching with a veritable whos who of music. You werent around then so you wouldnt get it sonny

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