Unpopular opinions or views you hold

He’s an animal yeah but I think he might be slowing down. And his value is still sky high

What good is the value though if you can’t spend if for half a season - and clubs of course know you have the money as well.

I don’t think Liverpool would do any better than Salah at the moment - even with over 100m.

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bit of blue sky thinking would be to sell salah and get mbappe on loan for a year for a 50m fee and pay his wages for the year and use the year to scour europe for a replacement on the cheap

Classycody isn’t a patch on KayleighTrappe

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She’s better looking though

Classy not going to EP. It’ll be lesser for her absence.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm…she is attractive but it’s Kayleigh with the Yes from me.

‘Grace’ is the most over rated song. I probably wouldn’t have it in the top 10 Wolfe Tones songs.

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Some say the devil dead is my favourite

Great tune ya. I dunno I might be wrong but Grace seemed to take off in the last 10 years only? Maybe it was Celtic who elevated it.

It was a massive hit for Jim McCann in the 80s
It’s still his song

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A jihad against those who sing “Grace” is not enough.

I’m not a big fan of it either.

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Briody’s is a bog standard pub with feck all going for it.


That will put the cat amongst the pigeons

You’ve been losing sleep lately. Can you be taken seriously?


+1. A shithole occupied by arseholes

It’s not a shithole but on that stretch Pipers Cotner and the Flowing Tide are better pubs.

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The old Flowing Tide was a cracker.

The Confession Box is an excellent spot as discussed on here before.

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Fine, it’s simply populated by arseholes which makes it appear to be a shithole in comparison to others abodes.