Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Digital rape. Finger-bashed yer wan without a shred of consent.

Not even fractionally as excitable as I wish to be.

The US are the only superpower, and will remain so.

The US currently has blockades and sanctions against at least fifty countries. They’ve fingers in the dam of an arab league of nations and they’ve suddenly shown that they and Europe combined are completely outgunned in conventional warfare against Russia alone, never mind china and north korea. I think the BRICS/sanctioned nations are less than a decade away from telling the US to go shit in their hat.

If you want to be taken seriously then try and be factual. If Trump were convicted of rape he would be in jail. He was found liable in a civil trial of sexual assault and defamation.

The rest of the world has a lot more to worry about currently than during the Trump years. Unless you think playing Russian roulette with a nuclear superpower is a good idea.

Thankfully, being taken serious on the internet is the least of my concerns in life. The fact being, I’m posting from a country where digital penetration of a human being without their consent is legally rape. Countries are slowly updating the definition of rape to add this, and more will follow suit in time.
Just because it’s defined as sexual assault in the state of New York still, doesn’t make it any less of a traumatising, inhumane and degrading experience for the victim. If it were to happen to one of our sons or daughters, I doubt we’d be arguing over the wording of it based on what the state of New York calls it. If someone votes or supports a guy who unapologetically commits a crime of this nature, it is a message to their sons and daughters that this behavior is okay, and the behavior of a person I would be proud to have as the leader of the free world.
One of Trump’s greatest magic tricks is having his believers think all was well during his reign. It’s all smoke and mirrors. If you can’t see through the mist, you most likely never will.

Of course all was not well, but Europe was not at war, China were relatively subdued and little rocket man was in his box. I think there was an element of fear there. Why would anyone fear Biden, he can’t find let alone tie his shoes. The world is a much more dangerous place with Biden “in charge”.

Trump is a horrible piece of shit. Not the first inhabitant of the white house with that designation, Bill Clinton raped a girl half his age and never paid the price. Same generation same behavior. A woman accused Bidennof finger raping her as well, why don’t we believe her?

Biden is a seasoned politician and diplomat. It should be fairly obvious that his domestic political opponents are using loops of his speech impediment to falsely construe that he is senile. That being said, I’m not a fan of him either. What I do know, is that he is far more stable in heading a government than a racist, reality tv show cast member, with no experience in diplomacy.
I believe whether it’s the Clintons, the Bidens, Trump or his cohorts…if there is sufficient evidence to convict any individual of a crime, then prosecute and leave it up to the jury. If no crime has been committed, then none of them will have anything to fear. Most Trump voters believe he’s done nothing wrong, and therefore shouldn’t be prosecuted but that’s not how criminal accusations and the application of the law works. You stand trial and let the scales of justice land where is just.

Trump was not tried in a criminal trial so conviction doesn’t come into it. A civil jury found him liable and he was fined. Completely different process to a criminal trial.

JP Morgan have admitted that a billion dollars passed through Epsteins account and was used for human trafficking. Why has nobody been charged, he had hundreds of rich clients? The answer is in the question.

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Who was this?

He was president of the United States from '93 to 2001


Trunp is a result of the Democrats buddying up with big business and wokeism. A complete alternative to taken down the corruption that is destroying average americans. People want change, unfortunately that is only appearing in trump

OK, that’s one, who’s the other one?

Ah stop :joy:

You can take your pick from Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey all of whom accused Clinton of rape. I was referring to Monica Lewinsky which would also be regarded as rape by today’s standards, as it was a gross abuse of power between a president of the United States in his 50s and a 22 year old intern.


I probably didn’t pay attention at the time, but I didn’t think the Clinton/Lewinsky carry on could have been described as rape under any existing criteria

Clinton was probably a creep alright

Agreed, cigar banging in the Oval office or finger banging in a cubicle wouldn’t be regarded as rape in the 1990s. They would nowadays though. If Monica Lewinsky were to sue Bill Clinton in a civil case today she would absolutely win.

I remember reading that Clinton flew on Epstein’s private jet 26 times.

I think it was all consensual just an issue due to his marriage