Unpopular opinions or views you hold

But it was all consensual, right??
I don’t recall anybody ever suggesting that she wasn’t consenting?

As far as I can make out two of those never even made a rape allegation against Clinton.

It would in its hoop.

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In a civil case today, Clinton would be found liable because of gross abuse of authority, a civil court would rule that consent isn’t relevant when you have such an abuse of power. New York is fairly unique in it’s definition of rape only involving a penis (in a civil trial), in most other states he would be found liable of rape.

People are confusing civil versus criminal trials, in a civil trial the burden of proof is much lower, preponderance of the evidence versus beyond reasonable doubt.

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Genuinely I’d be surprised, shocked if a man was convicted(or whatever the civil term is) of having consensual sexual relations with a 22 year old woman

Narrator is Adam Curtis.

David Brock : No! I mean, there was no criminal wrongdoing in Whitewater. Absolutely not. It was a land deal that the Clintons lost money on. It was a complete inversion of what happened.

Narrator : Was Vince Foster killed?

David Brock : No. He killed himself.

Narrator : Did the Clintons smuggle drugs?

David Brock : Absolutely not.

Narrator : Did those promoting these stories know that this was not true, that none of these stories were true?

David Brock : They did not care.

Narrator : Why not?

David Brock : Because they were having a devastating effect. So why stop? It was terrorism. Political terrorism.

If it’s a Democrat it’s rape.

You don’t actually take anything he says seriously do you?

Harvey Weinstein’s defense was that he never indulged in non consensual sex, and that all his victims agreed to have sex with him. The court found that in most cases he abused his position of power and committed sexual assault or rape. In the past few years there have been dozens of cases of men in positions of power being found liable of sexual harrassment, sexual assault and rape based on abuse of power.

Abasolutley in the US today if you were a CEO and shagged a secretary and she sued you for rape in a civil case, she would win. Based on abuse of power.

But in 30 years Lewinsky has never once said it was anything less than consensual

If she now decides it was abuse of power she can claim it was rape?

Consensual doesn’t come into it, abuse of power overrules consent. What was the primary evidence against Harvey Weinstein? The testimony of his victims who said they felt obliged to have sex with him because of his position of power. The fact they agreed to sex is overruled by the power he held over them.

Yes if Monica Lewinsky were to sue Bill Clinton today, he would be found liable of rape in a civil court in DC or most US states.

According to @Tierneevin1979 if a very rich footballer has consensual sex with a not very rich woman he only met that night it’s automatically rape.

But Judge Barf O’Kavanaugh is apparently a hero and Christine Blasey Ford is apparently a witch.

The Republicans and the American “conservative” movement have a systematic problem - they can’t stop committing rape and sexual abuse.

Here’s a list of well over 1,000 such crimes and credible allegations. You won’t hear @Tierneevin1979 bring any of this stuff up because that might be damaging to the narrative and the brand.

He’s only allowed 3 replies

I don’t think this is a particularly outlandish point of view.

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It’s a point of view that says Iris Robinson was guilty of rape when she had that affair with the 19 year old lad, or that Boris Johnson and John Major were guilty of rape when they had affairs.

It’s a silly point of view.

No it doesn’t.

The post raised a valid question as to the nature of consent in such a relationship and how it is not always as straightforward as the lady’s apparent willingness.

A bitta consensual finger banging is now rape?

Christ I’m glad I grew up when I did.

Iris Robinson had an affair with a 19 year old lad. Iris Robinson took out loans for the young lad to develop a cafe business and then demanded that she give him part of the money. Robinson failed to declare her interest. Robinson was clearly abusing her power, but that clearly does not amount to rape.

Imbalance of power does not equal rape. By that rationale any consenting sexual contact between people of significantly different bank balances could be deemed to be rape, which would obviously be a ludicrous situation.

It’s ok that you disagree. However the concept of consent is continually evolving.