Unpopular opinions or views you hold

"Nobody wants to see scenes like this "

Yes we fuckin do


Holland against Spain was the worst I’ve seen in international football. The dutch could have had the game abandoned they were that bad

Holland played Portugal in 2006 was the best ever for me. Must have been a dozen yellow cards and four reds.


I posted highlights from that match lately. It was absolutely mental


Germany Holland in 1990 WC was a good bad un

The Dutch are a common denominator


The Dutch are so reserved normally they have to let it out in the football

Highlights here. The notorious spit

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There was a battle of belgrade between yugoslavia and spain that is well worth a watch on you tube. Best ever


Des Cahill has reached national treasure status and in another 20 years Darren Frehill will have too.

Des’s sometimes self-consciously foolish patter is like a warm, soothing balm. What he does seems very easy but is in fact very hard to do.

More than anybody else I can think of, Des passes the “father in law” test, as in “would you be happy with this man as your father in law?”

Des Des Des.


Northern Ireland regularly have a much nicer jersey than the ROI.

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Nothing unpopular there. And the twist happened when they took on adidas and we left them

Gofundme links are a load of shite.

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There’s been an awful lot of money raised for good causes through gofundme on TFK

I think it can be a mighty fundraising tool

Why do you say that ?

The majority of them in my experience are unwarranted, and some are actually fraudulent.


I know someone who begun one, aimed at startup fees to produce a bath towel which would say ‘arse’ or a similar word on one side and face on the other, so that people who shared a towel didn’t get their partner’s arse stain in their face. Safe to say, it raised next to nothing apart from a few small sympathy donations.

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I remember those towels being for sale in the mail order/novelty section of magazines years ago


Ashling Murphy’s boyfriend’s victim impact speech was a not insignificant factor in the fascists mobilising and wrecking Dublin on Thursday night.

It led to Conor McGregor declaring “war” against immigrants. It was widely seized upon as far right propaganda.

It is very unfortunate.

Caio Benicio getting €368k is OTT.


This is getting dangerously close to thought crime, and is all kinds of wrong. I don’t really want to live in a society where you can be given a prison sentence for a private WhatsApp.

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