Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Yeah. Its a great show and he was quite funny in his cameo. I just think he is terrible as an actor. He was laughably bad at times in The Wire and it really stood out because everyone else in the show could act bar Aidan Gillen.

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Outrageous. Particularly from a Tipp man.

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Thereā€™s no one to cut you quicker than your own.

Heā€™s the one I canā€™t fathom getting roles. Fucking useless. I mean, heā€™s fucking Irish and he couldnā€™t get an Irish accent right in Love/Hate?

Stone useless


I was in a cathedral on Wed night with two good pals. A group of pissed well heeled D4 financial types sat in a table beside us after a while. As obnoxious a crew as I ever came across. All in their late 40s/early 50s.

You couldnt help but over hear the loud scutter emanatimg from them. Anyway a few mins in their chat turns to music. They were referring to McGowan as Shane McKnacker. One of them then said that he only appealed to the Irish country peasant class. At this one of my acquaintances got up and called the four of them a shower of cunts. A few other words were exchanged but we left. The head barman showed us out. He said we were right but had started the verbals. He said we would be more than welcome back another time but he was letting these lads finish their pints and give them the road.

They were exactly the type of crew that encourage the anti-rugby crew.


West brit cunts.
Any Irishman supporting the Goys at the Aviva needs to give their head a wobble.
They are the descendants of the landlord/ soup taking classes.

Well played

Fucking Warren never got a penny


The EFL championship is adored by footix.

Iā€™ve watched some lately, and have currently been looking at the opening stages of Birmingham v Leicester.

Itā€™s fucking gash.

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How ju now they were into d rubby

Some of those commentsā€¦.

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Pubs in Dublin the week or two before Christmas are too often full of overly drunk groups of cunts who never get off of the leash and are a pain in the hole to be anywhere near or around.



I wouldnā€™t go near cork city for the very same reason. A mess.

Rural pub is your only man this time of year.


The praise which Pope Francis gets for attempting to reform the Catholic Church is entirely unwarranted,


I think its a huge step what he did.
Itll give the gays another day out and thats only a good thing because they throw the best shindigs of allšŸ˜

Itā€™ll be interesting to see what the next pope does.