Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Youā€™d miss the old World Cup. Twas grand having it on in winter

I wouldnā€™t consider myself a christian. I believe Francis is pushing the boundaries as much as is possible, keeping in mind that his followers are for the most part very old, and very conservative. He knows that for the church to have a revival that will keep them afloat, he needs the young and liberal on board. Ratzinger was the opposite to him in direction, and the future of the catholic church could definitely be looking half decent if the successor is a Francis-type who keeps dismantling the conservative gas chamber that the Vatican have been using as oxygen tanks. Iā€™m not against religion. I believe it provides many with hope in hopeless situations that they wouldnā€™t get elsewhere, but I was definitely cheerleading the demise of the catholic church in itā€™s most recent state for their abuses of power throughout the globe. An old secondary school teacher of mine told me if a set of parents in Ireland suspected their son was gay back in the day, it would not be spoken of and heā€™d be ushered into the priesthood. Couple that with the unhealthy demand of celibacy, spelled disaster for too many.


Are you equating repressed homosexuality with the horrors inflicted on children within the Catholic Church the world over?

If he had anything about him he would demand complete transparency in terms of child abuse investigations and open the coffers for redress schemes.

At the very least.


To equate as would be to consider it the same or equivalent. Thereā€™s zero evidence linking repressed homosexuality with paedophilia. Thereā€™s a ridiculous amount of married men in Ireland who engage in sex with men in secret. I have no doubt that countries which have experienced religious oppression may have similar occurances. However, I believe that the repressed sexuality within the population of gay catholic priests, their close proximity to vulnerable boys, married with a culture of omerta from the faithful to any leaking of unsavory activities created the environment that made them believe they could get away with their behavior. In my hometown, thankfully a few years before my stint on the alter, one of Irelandā€™s most notorious paedophile priests reigned supreme. On his release from prison many years later, the women in the parish, one whom had a nephew raped by the guy raised 80 grand to get the priest back on his feet. I donā€™t blame the sexuality of priests for the abuse. I blame their character. Their refusal to leave environs which included children, leave the priesthood and become a ā€˜down-lowā€™ gay, or move to a country that it was then acceptable. Absolutely, the church needs to pay reparations for their atrocities. The amount of suicides etc, not to mention the amount of court cases Iā€™ve seen since of paedophiles whose court defence included, ā€˜I was molested or raped by the clergyā€™. No defence, but a real knock on effect in society. If the church would pay what it should, theyā€™d be back praying behind rocks, devoid of their gold chalices.

Which is it?

I heard this put forward before. It is deeply, deeply insulting to homosexuals. Paedophiles are predatory - they chose the priesthood due to the easy access to kids.

There is no link and it is completely wrong to suggest there might be,

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There is no link. They are two different things. I doubt many, if any priests signed up to the vocation because they were attracted to children.

Like swimming coaches, like scout leaders, teachers?

Fuckers infiltrated everywhere with kids.

Yep. Riddled. Now, itā€™s all lads up in court for kiddie porn.

The germans started up a program years ago for people who felt they had these urges, but hadnā€™t acted on them or whatever. They could go, get counselling, whilst the germans could learn through trial and error on how to treat them. Great idea, but I remember there being uproar that it even existed, but people travelled from all over Europe to get treated, as it wasnā€™t something that is available in other countries. Like the drug trafficking problem, when we accept as a society that our prevention methods have failed, only then can we make progress in trying to come up with a more effective alternative.

Ah hereā€¦ Germany is hardly a bastion of sense. The lunatics had a program back in the day where they actually allowed paedophiles to foster troubled young boys so that they would be in "loving"enviroment !

ā€¦from the 60ā€™s to the '90ā€™s. That was definitely an odd time in Germany, from all accounts.

Here is the setup Iā€™m referring to.

An odd time is an unusual choice of words to describe what they did. It was fucked up!

Sport on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Stephens day is a bit of overkill and unfair on the athletes.


Drinking on Christmas Day is all sorts of wrong. Itā€™s our lords day there is no reason to be belligerent.


Iā€™ve heard itā€™s possible to have a drink and not be belligerent ?


Youā€™d be the first Nordie to manage it


Iā€™m like a lamb when under the influenceā€¦now when Iā€™m sober, ā€¦

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What about the water into wine business?

Bisto is better than homemade turkey gravy


Prefer the Erin Gravy Rich myself; maybe itā€™s a patriotic choice.

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