Unpopular opinions or views you hold

The Burkes arenā€™t Catholics, mate.

This is more of it
That gobshite @Tassotti is now pigeonholing our nationā€™s elderly as cavemen like him when it is far from the truth
The n m majority of mass goers (and I know plenty) are decent people who understand that Burke is a dickhead, and heā€™s in prison because heā€™s an idiott, not because he opposes trans teens

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Tossy is very sneering towards massgoers. 100% of the massgoers over 60 I know think Burke is an utter fruitcake.

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Tell us why heā€™s in jail?

Because heā€™s a hero.

Flesh that out there good lad.What crime is he in jail for?

If you read it like he doesnā€™t mean a thing he says and heā€™s only teeing up conversations for dimwits to row in with him and hang themselves, heā€™s an absolute genius.



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Have never heard or seen her work but I can almost fully guarantee sheā€™s not funny. Have yet to see any funny female comedian ever. Just like their male counterparts the funniest comedians you see are the normal people youā€™d come across on a day by day basis.

Contempt of court i think

Would Tina Fey and Amy Poehler count?

Yer wan the ventriloquist that puts the masks on people is a pretty good laugh but I would accept your point in general

Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, Kate McKinnon and Molly Shannon would all be decent

Tina Fey isnā€™t funny and isnā€™t your wan just an actress from Parks and Rec? Point still stands Iā€™d imagine.

Saying that, most male comedians are red raw useless too. People seem to think weā€™re in a golden age of comedy but it is just a saturated market full of idiots with podcasts who get a Netflix show on the side and itā€™s one big hive mind.

Ah, you donā€™t like funny women. Thatā€™s fair enough. And a bit different from there not being any funny female comedians

I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever laughed at a female stand up comedianā€¦ But there have been plenty of great women who have played comedic roles in shows/ movies.

Plenty female friends in real life that would have me in tears laughing. Maybe stand up comedy just isnā€™t my thing. Something about forcing yourself to be funny irks me I guess, Iā€™ve much more appreciation for the off the cuff quick witted kind youā€™d come across in real life.

Aye fair enough, I donā€™t really get stand up comedy. Iā€™d never pause for a second on those stand up on the comedy channel etc.

Eddie Murphy ended stand up comedy with ā€˜Rawā€™, nothing could ever come close to that genius.


Ruby Wax is funny.

Stand up comedy is like a soccer match. Youā€™ve to sit through a hair of dross before you get a good one, which makes the dross worthwhile then.