Unpopular opinions or views you hold

My sources tell me she wont go back.Finito.

Iā€™m buying the drinkā€¦

Sad to see what youā€™ve been reduced to.

Not unlike when City destroyed united fans


Itā€™s the hope that kills you

Only acting the bollix-Incredible team ye have.I wont wish ye luck but Ill give you my admiration and respect.
Now fuck off.:joy:

Euthanasia on mental health grounds alone should be a human right. Otherwise, people are condemned to live hellish and pointless lives full of pain and anguish and are forced to resort to horrific ways of ending their lives, which may not be successful and may inflict even worse pain on them. The knowledge they will have to resort to attempting a horrific way of dying rather than having an option for a painless release makes the personā€™s life much worse while they remain alive. These horrific methods of suicide also take a major toll on witnesses and first responders.

A pro-suicide choice forum such as Sanctioned Suicide where people can get information on painless methods of suicide and on how they can get their hands on substances which will enable a painless suicide is more genuinely pro-patient than the entirety of the psychiatric and mental health fields put together.

As humans we are indoctrinated with the idea that all life has meaning, but this is a flagrant lie. Very often not only has it no meaning but is a torture for people. We are told that all suicide is a tragedy, but this is also a lie. Much of the time it is a happy event, because the personā€™s suffering is over. Suicides may force those left behind to endure their own pain, but psychiatry and suicide prevention is in reality the business of healthy people not wanting to have to endure their own pain and guilt, so they try to force people in pain to live against their will when very often these people would be better off dead.

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Totally agree. We had no say in coming into this life, we should absolutely have a say in whether we wish to ā€˜check-outā€™, and to be able to do so in dignity without having to travel to Mexico, and navigating picking up pentobarbitol at a pet store or vet, and fly back so as not to have to avail of the wonderful service of the Kevin Bell repatriation trust.
I suspect that there is a fear that there will be a lemmings-like dash, not unlike the medical marijuana users in the U.S. when it was legalised and the political outcry and potential ousting power that would ensue from surviving relatives towards the establishment for not investing sufficiently in mental health services, training and infrastructure whilst in power. Any therapist I had in Ireland, for all their training were in my opinion, not fit to practice. Standards need to rise, in order to attain better effect.

Psychiatry and mental health services and basically everything to do with trying to stop somebody trying to kill themselves is a playbook by rote.

Only the person themselves can decide they want to live. The drugs I take - one drug in particular - make me want to die. Yet I am now dependent on it and without it Iā€™m still there awake at 5:30am sweating and twisting and turning. I have not taken it for five days, not through any conscious decision, but because I was in Dublin for one day and my medication is still in my rucksack and I canā€™t bring myself to unpack it after four days because even that feels like an ordeal and I canā€™t sleep. If I take it at 10pm on a given night Iā€™ll sleep but Iā€™ll be shivering and gurning and twisting and turning the following morning.

Nobody understands, well, some people really do try to but they canā€™t. Nobody understands the fear and the terror and the locked in-ness and the total lack of hope and the wish to scream out loud, so loud you nearly rip your larynx out. You become a nihilist, sort of. Iā€™m more certain now than at any point that there is no road forward and I almost donā€™t want there to be. I want an end to it but the end is terrifying. Existing is like an endless mental diet of McDonnellā€™s Super Noodles. Nothing is nourishing, itā€™s totally empty, itā€™s a mind numbing rote, itā€™s not Groundhog day, itā€™s Shithog day. You long for nourishment but there is none. Iā€™m extremely angry and bitter and itā€™s extremely shit.


My thoughts are with you. Itā€™s difficult to imagine that torrid, inhumane experience that you have very little option but to endure.
When the ability to feel both any kind of pleasure or joy in this life becomes long-term, the futility of existence becomes more attractive, I think. Iā€™m alive, not from the fear of death or the weight of grief itā€™s impact would have on others, but on a childlike hope that a form of treatment, whether it be pharmaceutical, therapy or a combination of both, will unfurl some of the thick, knotted shipping ropes that inhabit my head.


Youā€™re a smashing guy and you deserve to feel some measure of happiness. Your posts here have been a very welcome addition.



You have a real gift for writing.


Brian O Driscoll is a really good pundit.


Good pundit, shocking voice for commentary.


I do. And I disagree with the opinion, for what itā€™s worth. Life is precious. I know it feels like the opposite (and you know I know) but it is.


Calm Sid. My pal is moving back to Galway in April. Can do regular coffee


God who doesnā€™t think so. Heā€™s great. Not afraid to be critical where appropriate either and comes across as really decent.

Yeah, but himself, william and kate ditched harry and Megan

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Heā€™s a cock

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From my thirty seconds alone with him in a lift once I would come to the same impression.