Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Would he not be liked in general? I always thought he was the grandest, you’d often him hear him take the piss out of himself if that’s any acid test I dunno. Obviously a great player so you’d be stupid not to give him a chance really.

Yeah he comes across fairly well and I’ve never really heard anyone who’s met him saying anything to the contrary. Which given the circles he was raised in and the kind of hero worship he got within them is far from a given.

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Jesus most people I know think he’s a bellend.

Good enough for me.


Welcome to TFK Kyle. You’re a Limerick man I gather?

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What’s your thoughts on POC?

Limerick today bud but that could change like the wind if a chance to spam the board presents itself.

Thanks for the warm welcome.


A fraud.

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What would be your thoughts on rugby?


Thoughts and prayers then?

Didn’t @SHANNONSIDER share a lockin one time with him in a pub in Dublin once?

I heard O Driscoll telling a story on OTB years ago. He was standing at the traffic lights on suffolk st at the bottom of Grafton st. The traffic passes only inches away from pedestrians at that junction. He was minding his own business waiting for the lights to change when a car with a few young lads passed slowly. Just as the car passed o Driscoll a young lad in the back seat rolled down the window and said in an almost conversational tone 'I’d lash your missus out if it". I always thought he couldn’t be the worst after hearing him tell that story.



Another brick in the carefully cultivated wall that is the BOD persona.

Can we even be sure the Senior Cup medal story happened?

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Its not that carefully cultivated. As evidenced above most people think he’s a cunt.

A touch of Dim But Nice

Oh its incredibly well cultivated. His public utterances are extremely calculated as are the roles he’s gone into post playing days. I wouldnt go on what lads on TFK think about anything really. BOD is well gotten everywhere really, rightly or wrongly. He seems grand, lovely wife, very inoffensive. Fair play to him. It coulda gone another way entirely when he was tippin around with Glenda and the frosted tips.


fixed that

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You’d be surprised at a normally sceptical lad like @binkybarnes being taken in by it. @flattythehurdler would be a gullible enough type so that doesn’t surprise me.

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