Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Pure marsh

Must be missing two corners so?

A burger from a good chipper is nicer that those 6 inch tall burgers you get in self styled burger joints - you can’t ate the bloody thing


He coulda been anything really. Meath killing him didn’t help either

Ya and fucking pubs serving grub on a chopping board? What’s that all about? Such nonsense.

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Believe me I have failed to leave any of one behind me.


Fellas love change for no reason


Don’t see at as much these days but there was a fad of cooking your food on the stone yourself. Your chips are gone cold while you’re waiting for the mate to be cooked :man_shrugging:


Sure he couldn’t even make the Kerry team half the time.

The winter World Cup was magnificent timing wise.

Not sure a summer major tournament one will be ever be as good again.

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And yet he won 2 All Irelands nearly single handed

There aren’t enough sultanas in a Bombay mix

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There wouldn’t usually be any!!!

Controversial in the extreme . The width of the gathia sticks is key , the big thick ones are rank


The time he roasted aul Pat Holmes was one. I can’t remember the other?

Paul Ince was a pansie and a fake hard man


A good player though.

I may have embellished his 2000 contribution but it’s TFK