Unpopular opinions or views you hold

I’m throwing my lot in with Huddersfield after this.

Jaysus this thread is an insult ro those of us who have relations who died in 1916

British soldiers?


Like, in action or just kicked the bucket that particular year?

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Action was only a young fella

Come on you cunt, don’t be making us drag it out of you.

Story time, tell us about the relation. Genuinely intrigued

@Fagan_ODowd is hurling all before him here :clap::clap::clap::clap:

Personal recollections trumps whatever anyone can pick up in a book.

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My brother works with a guy in a large multinational in west Limerick who things that the closer you get to the equator, the lazier the people are. In this case he was referring to professional footballers. And also that black men don’t make good defenders.
I would have complained him to HR.

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To be fair anyone trying to overthrow an occupying power with no army and no weapons would have to be a lunatic. One mans lunatic is anothers visionary. The great pity was the visionarys died and the likes of Dev was left to hand the country over to the catholic church.

I do laugh at Sean Sabhat though. He would be one of the lads preaching on Thomas street now with all the feminists rallying against him and jeering

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Do football clubs have HR?

Clare are going to beat Limerick (narrowly) in the Munster final.

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Ronan O’Gara is what Roy Keane thinks he is.

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Munster fans claiming La Rochelles victory as their own due to o’Gara coaching them is like celebrating that your ex is riding an inter county player



I don’t follow the rugby much, but who’s the blond bird* he’s in all the photos with?

*You being an expert on blond birds.

Is it the wife?

That’s disappointing.
No scandal there so.

In fairness He’d be some ape to run for the mistress (if he had one ) after the final whistle with the eyes of the world on him …

He would.

I thought she might be the team physio or something.

She looks like a lovely girl in fairness.