Unpopular opinions or views you hold

It was an incorrect decision by the American electorate to vote in Barack Obama. The USA was not ready for a black president and everything that you see in the political landscape now is a by product. All the headbangers, conspiracy theorists etc. were all emboldened by the election of Obama, and given more airtime on the likes of Fox, which led to the rise of Trump and nationalistic populism and more division and less consensus.

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There is nothing wrong with Rishi Sunakā€™s plan to tighten up on genuine cases of those unable to work and liable to claim disability benefit.

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Thatā€™s a big statement.

He should start by tightening up on his wifeā€™s tax dodging

Welfare cheats cheat us all.

The Tailteann Cup draw is more exciting than the Sam McGuire one


Itā€™s actually a competition.


In both years of the Talia Shire Cup, the two favourites in the betting have contested the final.

One of last yearā€™s semi-finals had a 22 point margin at the end.


Weā€™ll get Nicholas Cage to present the cup so

Average margin of Sam Maguire Cup knockout games 2022/23 combined: 4.96 points

Average margin of Thandie Newton Cup knockout games 2022/23 combined: 6.22 points

The first season of lost is a master piece until the final 5 minutes or so

I think the Tailteann cup is a good ideaā€¦ but I also think we need a 3rd tier competition.
The AI junior competition could have been utilized e.g. renaming it, playing final before an SM quarter/semi final rather than just giving it to overseas teams and Kilkenny.
Sure, we could organize promotion/relegation to and from it down the line but the smaller counties would be up in arms if they were told they were relegated to a junior competition. Ya canā€™t win, some teams will never be near the top tier and just cannot accept it and try improve their lot rather than blaming everyone else


Possibly, but its been hard enough sell this to the Counties, Iā€™m not sure what Leitrim, Tipperary or Limerick would say if you told them they were going into Tier 3.

If it was based off league finish they could have no complaints.As a fella said to me once ā€œif there was a Div 5 weā€™d be in itā€ :grinning:


There is a great relief in plummeting down the leagues and knowing you can go no further.

Then you play London in the Tailteann and need a last minute fisted point to draw it and you realise thereā€™s always another depth to plummet.


There is nothing wrong with the handpass in hurling.


Similar to a lad at home, a soccer player with notions, he asked the manager why he was on the B team.

ā€œBecause we donā€™t have a C teamā€ was the response.


White boots no doubt :grin:

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They should just do away with it,itā€™s a throw most of the time letā€™s just call it that.Weā€™re constantly trying to get the young lads to do it right,but why should they when the adults donā€™t.

Correct. The handpass is fine. If we could only get lads to execute it properly now, weā€™d be the finest.

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