Unpopular opinions or views you hold

The Par 3 competition thing that Augusta has, that’s becoming a thing is load of bolllocks now with the crèche pick up vibes.

You aren’t supposed to take it that seriously

Many would say it’s the only part of the weekend worth watching anymore. There’s a few lads here who have big bets on it

They’re trying to grow the game?

Best players in the world, 9 holes pitch and putt.

500k goes to a nominated charity.

Job’s Oxo. Less of the maudlin aul shite.

The top players have bigger fish to fry, they couldn’t give a country shite about it, and neither should anyone else

It’s golf. It’s all bollox.


Yeah but…they could do something better with it rather than the poncin around.

The worse sin is watching golf coverage the day before a competition starts anyway.

I’d say it suits the tv companies to have an extra day on site fannying around themselves, whether they need or want to cover this part of it

Probably. I’m only giving out because I want it to start.

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Women look terrible in wedding dresses


The dresses and the cake are 2 successful forms of contraception

Unpopular opinion: Stephen Donnelly appears to be doing a good job as minister for health in the last two years.

Waiting lists substantially reduced, new consultant contracts is a big reform, free GP care extended to loads of new people. Obviously the system is still a basket case overall but each of these is a bigger advance or reform than any minister I can recall making to the system.

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*based on my experience of the healthcare system over the last 3 days

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Really? Substantially?

From the backlog built up over covid they appear to be, yes. This is all relative and it’s not like the health system is good, but they are tangible improvements. I couldn’t name one thing Harris or varadkar did.

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Waiting list reduction targets missed, future targets reduced, massaging of the numbers.

Is this what you’re talking about? Basically, if you take off all the people who died or went private or abroad then the list is much shorter…

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Asey know @glasagusban is a civil servant.Claping this bollix Donnelly on the back for doing nothing.


He’s some fucking company woman