Unpopular opinions or views you hold

The solution to this is to make the weak even weaker and the strongest even stronger.

Double down on what hasn’t worked.

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That might well be because the five teams in it amount to five of the eight teams in the country.

You have two of the 8 football counties in Connaught… Roscommon just a tier below but competitive. Population plays its part but if standards rose in another county you’d be hopping off the walls raving about the Connaught championship.

Anything to be said for a return of the Super 8s?

Do we not have an even shitter version of them now?

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Lads, the g double a football division has been run for centuries by cute kerry hoors and jackeen ronnie drew wannabes. Much as they despise each other, they appreciate that neither side can have it all to themselves, so they coexist in a spirit of mutual highly dependent reciprocal antipathy. The current setup isn’t as good as the old reliable knockout system, but it still gives them a massive advantage. Jarlath will do his best, but i fear he’ll be charged with russian collusion before the summer is out.

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There is no organized far right grouping in Ireland and protesters are the usual anti-social layabouts/dole mongers who show up to any protest where there’s a chance to shout abuse at Gardai and engage in general anti-social behaviour. Most of these lads were at anti water charges and anti eviction protests.

In a genuine far right regime they’d be forced to work and that’s anathema to their type.


This is the “Unpopular Opinions” thread, not the “Flat Out Denial Of Reality” thread.


Cork beating Kerry (2020)
Tipp winning Munster by beating Cork (2020)
A Cavan team off the back of successive relegations beating Donegal to win Ulster (2020)
Kildare knocking Mayo out in the qualifiers (2018)
Derry beating reigning All-Ireland champions Tyrone was a fair statement at the time too (2022)

@Cheasty tends to have a good handle on championship structures. There’s an awful lot of truth to his theory and a clear timeline from when the league structure changed from 1A/1B and 2A/2B in 2007/08 to the gradual decline of the weaker counties. It’s a unique theory which the likes of OTB wouldn’t be nuanced enough to tout.

In fairness the Senior, Intermediate, Junior club system does work effectively at club level but inequalities are magnified on an inter-county level. The 2005-2008 championship system with the first 16 teams knocked out entering a Tommy Murphy/Tailteann Cup would be the optimum in my opinion.

Look at how Mickey Harte resurrected his managerial career with then Division 4 outfit Louth. Derry were a county brimming with potential in Div 4 in 2019. John Sugrue greatly enhanced his reputation by taking Laois from Div 4 to 2 in the space of a couple of seasons (2018-19). In reality they were a solid division 3 team at the time so it was a great job for reputation enhancement. Tony McEntee with Sligo is another instance of an upwardly mobile manager starting off in the basement division. John Evans with Tipp if we go back to 2008-09.

Neil Ewing of Sligo was the originator of the argument. I found his views persuasive.

None of them were shocks,I even had money on Tipp to beat Cork in that Munster final.Cavan winning the Ulster was a surprise alright but it was during COVID when teams were training very little,in fact it was a return to the training they were probably doing in the 90/00s.

We don’t have a true right leaning party in power but there’s deffo organised far right groups in action. The same type of person tends to find them and because their twitter feeds are all far right gibberish and the telegram groups they are in are all like minded ( not to be confused with the nfl betting telegram group, which is extremely profitable) - they have a notion that the right is much bigger than it actually is in Ireland. Unfortunately, a clatter that get sucked in are just people who feel like they have no control of their lives in the modern world and are looking for meaning and they get sucked in. But we don’t have a far right like the US or UK - yet. But when people like @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy and @Juhniallio just sit back and do nothing, then it grows


I encountered some amount of head the balls and ne’erdowells on my trip via public transport to Smithfield this morning. They were all of Irish origin.

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So basically you’re telling us that there is a disorganised far right grouping in Ireland?

You seem to be saying there that a far right grouping if it existed would be a positive for these type of people?

The opposite. These layabouts would have to work in a far right regime.

Lads who can’t organize a job for themselves in a full employment economy are unlikely to be able to organize a coherent far right group.

And pay for their own house as well

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The Irish illuminati are using the scummers to eliminate the wokesters and their foreign friends; knowing the scummers will eventually take care of themselves with their inability to postpone pleasure and poor lifestyle choices.

With the money saved on social welfare, they’ll probably colonise Mars.

It all began with the self-checkout in Tesco and there no longer being a use for us.

4-D chess

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