Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Yeah, there’s no real system or formation from the manager. But the lads aren’t tracking back and putting in the hard yards either.

There was a right scumbag abusing a black lad on Twitter there today, and the Garda has just collapsed on top of him and arrested him without any resistance. Too easy. He couldn’t even be bothered to get his body in position to spit on the guard.

When you’re abusing a foreigner, your head has to be on the swivel and you have to be aware of whats around you. Like Modric really.

There’s a lot of lads dining out on the riots but haven’t delivered much in the last few months.


You were doing fine until the ad-hominem closing line.

The GAA has no right to have so many games on RTE. RTE have it right with the amount of coverage they show.

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Eurovision’s demise is actually sad to witness. Sad to see our tax money being spent on this kind of shit. The ESC was once a respectable contest and essential family viewing.

If it was an actual song congest, and not a woke freak show, it might be worth the expense.


‘Song contest’


It’s long ceased to be about songs.

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Calm down Nuala :joy:


More’s the pity.

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I feel like 2005 was the definitive transition over from being a song contest. The Hard Rock Hallelujah lads seem quite quaint by today’s standards.

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Ask yourself this. Would any of our 7 previous winners even get through to final today. We’d be hard pushed

No. Wouldn’t be enough of a freak show.


If you think you need extreme freak shows to poll well at Eurovision, maybe you and several other like minded posters here might consider entering the contest yourselves? :grin:

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What kind of snowflake are you?

One that doesn’t get off on watching satanic screaming

What happens in the final 5 minutes, the hatch? I can’t remember.

The Eurovision peaked in 1994.

Have you seen Linda Martin recently?


Linda and Mick for Eurovision 2025

Didn’t apply back in the day though.

And she could sing.