Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Lads here watching the Eurovision :joy::joy:
And giving out about it then.

It’s effectively one giant LGBT pride event. dont watch it if that’s not your thing. If you’re into the gay, then go enjoy it.


They can’t accept they’re into the gay

They’d be as well off going to the gaiety and watching Riverdance this summer

Is that not pagan voodoo?

Our devil worshipping sado masochists are the best of us, and them vaccinated to the eyeballs

I’ll just drop this here


Noise Ruido GIF by Travis

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Is that bad?!

They are only are going and qualifying!!!

Do weird shit…why did nobody think of this before Ireland had to become the Partizan Belgrade of Eurovision?

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Its coming home

3 Connacht titles in a row going backwards…not too shabby. Ye have high standards in Leitrim.

Totally agree re Sligo.

We sent Dustin in 2008 and got nowhere. We’re like the Offaly hurlers of the Eurovision. Very successful in the 80’s and 90’s before not even qualifying for the main event from 2018 onwards.


Wasn’t looking like it going into injury time :grin:

That Dustin song was genuinely catchy and still comes into my head. Eeeerrlanda dooza ponts, Eeeerrlanda dooza ponts.


That doesn’t surprise me in the least.


Yesterday hes reading gabriel garcia marquez, today hes singing dustin the turkey songs.
I honestly don’t know which to believe…I’ll go with Dustin though

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Jedward’s song was catchy I thought,

Those lads always amused me as well.


Two sound lads


The troubles were worth it as it has given a better standard of living for the catholic population in the north of Ireland

The likes of an Arjen Robben in his prime would be the best footballer in Europe today.

Messi is still the best player in the world.

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