Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Cyclists arenā€™t the worst road users.

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Women are

Men shouldnā€™t be allowed drive until the age of 40*.

*Exempting buses, ambulances and other necessary vehicles for the functioning of society.

Graveyards should be phased out. No new graveyards should be built, anyone born after 1975 that wants to be buried should be paying a heavy tax for the privilege (with prior notice to death) for any new plot

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How is it a privilege?

Taking up a plot of land for eternity. Seems a waste of resources. Once your dead anything in the world is worthless to you. The more i think about it the less sense burying the dead makes to me.

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An old friend of mine who hadnā€™t any funeral arrangements made used to say, ā€˜ā€˜if you donā€™t bury me for the love of me, ye will for the stink of meā€™ā€™.
He was correct


Use the corpse as back fill for a quarry maybe?

Sure of thats what you want. Cremation is the way to go, a memorial area for ashes would be a better use of space. Or scatter then. The default of burial seems outdated to me. Plenty of other options available. Personally i want to be stuffed at a taxidermist

Thatā€™s the narcissism of religion for youā€¦ Thereā€™s a man in the sky watching over me, because Iā€™m specialā€¦ And if you bury me in sacred ground my soul will travel up to him to live for forever


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Religion plays on the fear of death.

I mean it canā€™t be proven wrong can it?

I would want to be buried. Give myself back to the maggots.

The American practice of pumping the body with chemicals to prevent decay in the groynd is pure vanity. We are a part of the natural environment and they are just destroying it after death

Western religions yes.

In eastern thought death is akin to being born. Just one phase of life.

But as a result they donā€™t place as much emphasis on life itself.

Says who?
I saw two Chinese lads drinking pints in the local last night.


Youā€™ve used up your once a year trip to the pub quite early this yearā€¦

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They are probably Taoists. The best of the eastern religions in my view,

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I was only passing with Brady bro

I watched Apocalypse Now for the first time in 10 years last night and realised that, bar the big shoot scenes, it is a load of wank


Former poster @SHANNONSIDER would go through you for a shortcut for even thinking that.