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Organized Crime Fist Bump GIF by Law & Order

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Most professional players

Correct,there’s clubs all over the place these days.How many clubs in Ireland now @gilgamboa

Would you be confident there won’t be rural GAA clubs closing the gates in the coming years?

The tradition is a good point for Nemo…their legacy means they have a succession of successful former players stepping into coaching roles at all grades which is a massive help in keeping players involved at all levels

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And they’re a massive club


We’re making a big emphasis in getting current seniors players more involved with underage teams in Douglas.

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200 or so I think…few other clubs with only underage who have started in recent years and I assume working up to adult teams as the players get older

Not as big as you’d imagine I’d say

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If you get a 100 kids aged 5 and teach them piano until the age of 12. 70 of them will probably be able to play twinkle twinkle toes on the piano.

Come back ten years later and a few will still be able to play.

It’s the same in hurling. If you start at the 6s, 8s and 10s over a period of time the game will take off.

Kids tend not to give up things they are good at. Of course there’s exceptions to the rules but you will get hurlers.

You are very wrong there,
Nemo is traditionally obe of the smallest clubs in the city, they’ve obviously increased membership since the move to the big new complex and are picking up more from Douglas in the bargain but when Nemo were winning all Irelands they were doing it on the backs of a tiny group of families.
I hated Nemo growing up even though at my age group we lorded it over them but they were the most impressive club I ever came across, every Cork senior player they ever had was roped in, you’d often see an all Ireland winner on the line for an u13d match etc


But they also prove broodys points as they only won first senior in the 70s. Tradition is all important but you can also create a tradition.

You have no idea how small a club Nemo were when they won their first six all irelands

Yeah I’ve heard that alright. They created a tradition from scratch more or less. I had an uncle in law was a huge nemo man.

As @peddlerscross would say I got a grand little discussion going here


How small are we talking here? I would’ve always assumed they were a big club based on the sheer volume of success they had and talented players produced. Billy Morgan surely one of the main instigators of the successful era.

They have open days now advertised in all the schools around Douglas and Roco. You’d see as many nemo tops floating around our estate as you would Douglas one’s… If a blow-in was from a football background they’d be more likely to bring kids to nemo.

They were a very small club surrounded by the Barrs, Blackrock and to a lesser extent back then, Douglas.
They were always very insular and Nemo lads would hang around with each other in little packs in school and college,
I can’t give you numbers but back then they would have been far and away the smallest city club playing senior in either code