Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Weā€™ll agree to disagree

Thereā€™s a huge difference in the standards of 2017 and 2022 though. The point inflation for instance would completely screw over someone who would like to go back to education as a mature student at 23.

The public cry for a lot of things. Everyone wanted their child to acquire the easiest and most beneficial outcome which is understandable. I still feel they could have actually sat the LC in July/August 2020 when you consider that a few weeks later everyone was back in cramped classroom again. Thereā€™s many faults in the current education system but a standardised exam is still the fairest way of determining Leaving Cert points.

Sure, you certainly wonā€™t convince me that thereā€™s widespread breakdown in relations between special Ed teachers and families, because my experience tells a very different story.
Obviously thereā€™s exceptions but I suspect that what you mentioned is just a breaking point in those cases

I should know this but itā€™s not my field.
Canā€™t mature students apply through a different process whereby itā€™s not all based on LC points?

It caused distrust and it was needless. It was very very poor ministering. Disgraceful in my book but as I said weā€™ve both given our opinion on it.

But I donā€™t think it did create any mistrust, (in 99% of cases) thatā€™s my point

I think it did :person_shrugging:t2:

OK, no problem, not looking for a row. But as I said this is an area where I can speak with a lot of expertise (thereā€™s not many) and I havenā€™t noticed or heard of it

Yeah youā€™re correct there. Can get in on less points I believe. I suppose itā€™s the students who did their LC in 2019 but wanted to change course in 2020 who were most affected by the point inflation. Youā€™d have to feel real sympathy for anyone in that boat.

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They can, but the course may require core subjects with minimum grades. So if they havenā€™t got these they have to repeat these subjects in the leaving.

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Indeed, I did my leaving cert in Irish at 33


Rap music is for people with an infantile mind.

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Ox-Bow lakes and meanders


Denzel Washington is a shit actor.


Up there with Samuel L .

Euan McGregor is terrible too.


Finishing 3rd season of Breaking Bad ā€¦ its better than The Sopranos


Interesting. I think when you are committed to a show itā€™s the best ever but then on recollection you might change your mind. I watched the last season of BB again during my first Covid bout and it is excellent. But the Sopranos is still better. But then I think Mad Men is the greatest show ever so there you go.


Nothing came near Tony and the boys for me but I take your point. I have watched Sopranos in full 3 times.

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Itā€™s very good. Walter is a phenomenal character but i felt many episodes were only ok but just had a cliff hanger ending to keep you going. Skylar and the son were awful characters.

Sopranos/ The Wire still out ahead for me.