Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Thereā€™s no wedge

A wedge might be a bit strong as they have to get on with it. But it certainly soured relations and damaged trust and thatā€™s very hard to fix.

I donā€™t believe it did. How could anybody hold personal grudges on the back of union or political decisions?

Parents believe the special schools or classes were set to reopen but teachers alone stopped this. This was due to the way it was handled by the department and minister. They were absolutely seething then and as I said a lack of trust remains now under the surface for a lot of people.
Did you think she handled that key situation well? It was a classic political tactic of hanging a section of people out to dry to win a PR battle. That in my opinion was very bad form given how important the relationship between parents and school staff is.

I presume getting 625 points shows you are diligent, organised and capable of organising and managing your time and donā€™t make mistakes. They then go and do 7 years of further education.

You let some plug that got 300 points open you up all you want, while heā€™s smoking a fag and looking in at you like heā€™s after opening the bonnet of a car


Whatever about getting into a college course you wouldnā€™t last a wet week inside in medicine unless your up to scratch.

2019 etc will just see more drop outs.


They want determined, single minded people in that profession.

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What has been the dropout rate in the past couple of years?

Thatā€™s it.

If a surgeon gets to be qualified to perform an operation having gone through a medicine degree in university and all the work experience, I wouldnā€™t be too bothered about what year he or she did his leaving cert.


Its a fairly glamorous position. I presume the demand would be through the roof

Think of the leaving cert as x-factor auditions. Weeding out the weak

Rote learning is a thing of the past and is far removed from the reality of assessment today. Kids need to have knowledge/facts before they can analyse/discuss/evaluate a topic. Assessment no longer involves regugitating a block of material.

This is link to last years leaving cert economics paper


Students also had to submit a research report earlier in the year worth 20 percent.


But grade inflation doesnā€™t mean a 300 point lad getting into medicine. More a 575 point man at worst.

As ever, I will bow to your superior knowledge.

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I only told a joke a teacher told me lads.

Iā€™m not fighting on this hill

Me neither. :+1:

Would you seriously let a 550 - person in years gone by near you? This is your life youre talking about here. The last few years kids are getting 50-100 points more than they should be. Weā€™ll need a lot more foreign workers in.


Youā€™ve just brought my economics teacher to mind. Willie Moore, all ireland winning corner back.

Do ye understand this lads?

No answer

For fuck sake lads, its like giving a penny to a black baby, yeā€™re sitting there nodding yeā€™re heads up at me and nothing is going in.


When was the last time there was a Minister fir Education that teachers liked?

I donā€™t believe that thereā€™s any bad will towards special Ed teachers as a result of that, Iā€™m in the front line, Iā€™ve been to parents assoc meetings etc, talked to dozens of parents and itā€™s never come up, so you can disparage the minister all you want, she wanted to get them back ASAP and succeeded eventually, there was no more than a couple of weeks in it if memory serves me right, everybody wanted to be back, union mishandled it as usual, Iā€™ve no issue with her on that front, she tried to play hardball and it didnā€™t work out.

Mary contrary surely in the mix too.