Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Thats true

The Wrath of Khan is one of the greatest movies ever made.

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The reboot of the star trek film franchise was fantastic. JJ Abrams maybe?

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Top notch. A shame most of the newer Star Wars weren’t done as well.

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The Khan one was dreadful

Most of my posts are uninteresting

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Star Trek Nemesis, with the Borg in it, is a class film


Despite my reservations when the inital sketches were released, I believe the Rugby museum is a great addition to the streetscape.



I couldn’t give a continental about the ladies qualifying for the world cup.



Id rather watch dog shit hardening on a big stick.

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Mushrooms are horrible. Who the fuck adds it to a meal :face_vomiting:


You’re dead to me


I died rather be dead than eat fungus. The irony is then id be feeding them. The cunts

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Destroys every fry and every steak meal they’re added to.


Id ate them mornin noon and night

Order a lasagne or spaghetti dish in a restaurant and it arrives down with a big white yolk in the middle, when the menu made no mentioned of mushrooms. Meal ruined.

You can have all of mine, ill happily give them over

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It’s the cunts that skimp on the mate in a carbonara and bulk it up with mushrooms. Like eating bits of styrofoam.

Id send it back and face the chef. This is the hill ill die on. Fuck mushrooms

Anyone follow the Graham Linehan videos on YT. Seems to be some beef between him, Stewart Lee who in turn has it in for Ricky Gervais. Not forgetting Linehans cut off Graham Norton.