Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Youre a very strange individual.

It helps

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I was tipping along the walk at the back of City Hall there a few months ago and noted the Rugby Xperience poking its head up above the other buildings. It’s a grand addition. It’s actually a mighty auld vista. The river happened to be at low tide that morning so the noise of the water crashing over the Curragower falls as well as the weir added to the whole experience. It’s great that fellas giving Powerpoint presentations to the Council get to enjoy it.

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Them fucking space alien species mushrooms you’d get in a chinese takeout :see_no_evil::nauseated_face:



Champ is a very decent man.

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He is, pity he went into politics

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He’d have made a terrific nun.


Or a teacher.

Oh wait

Blonde is a superb movie. Ana de Armas deserves an Oscar.

She’s excellent - the movie did very little for me on the whole but I can see it’s merits as a piece of art

I hate sitting on a stool at the bar.


Buff Egan is a comic genius. That bit of him walking around Tralee asking randomers about hurling had me in knots.


Darragh Moloney is an awful stones.


I’d say thats quite popular in fact.

Could you post it up at all?

He got very cosy with the pride of Tralee town that time!

He’s a stallion man. He really is a gas cunt though. You could do that vox pop nearly everywhere in Ireland and get similar answers. Not sure is that an unpopular opinion.

Those Squires football cartoons are shite.

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Putting pronouns in a bio, as well as other pointless bits of info, is a load of codswallop.

He / him / friend / proud father of 2 / Vegan/ asexual / sales rep for Ted’s Bike Shop / active environmentalist in the local community

Please make this nonsense stop.