Unpopular opinions or views you hold

You could also argue that winning three all Irelands in the 80s and just having to play six games cant really be counted as legit either


8 good hurling and at most 8 good football teams. Hard to sustain a professional model with so few teams.

You could but youā€™d be missing the point


Yet many sports somehow manage it

Ah would you stop geeing out of you. Galway are currently paying coaches to coach their development squads. I know Dublin arent and i doubt limerick are.

Our financial doping is ok because itā€™s different to other financial doping


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We need to have a conversation about financial doping in the GAA

Itā€™s being had for years now in relation to what Croke Park did to Dublin, no one wanted to hear it though

The players themselves are asking the hard questions now. If itā€™s financially beneficial for one so it should be for all. Isnā€™t that what the GAA is fundamentally all about

A communist model would work best

Alas the current model works on the completely opposite basis. The sooner that fact is acknowledged the better

Agreed. A central pool to ensure all players are looked after would be a fine mode

Are u richard boyd barrett in disguise?

Laugh Laughing GIF

Do you think of him in various different forms of dress often?

Na Piarsaigh are soon to be paying a full time underage coach.

Tempting and tasty food atā€¦ Supermacs

The Galways seething because their millionaire isnā€™t as good as our millionaire.

Stick with it lads, JP was with Limerick since the early 00s and we had nothing to show for years. Thereā€™s some great hurling people in Galway doing great workā€¦ Keep the chin up, your day will come.


Pat Mac wouldnā€™t even throw a bit of equity in the direction of Joe Canning.

Eh, the Comers have invested in pro sports