Unpopular opinions or views you hold

You gowls are worse to be replying. Limerick have always had a great following - tell those cunts to go shit in their hat.


You can see why noel conners was sacrificed when the bit of tactics came in to it. There was one stage there a ball was rolling through in to Clinton pure harmless and he came out and poleaxed shaughs for a handy free. Pure needless

I just listened to some journalists, critics and music academics on the wireless thereā€¦rabbiting on about how brilliant Taylor Swift is: Her reading of the mood, her manipulation of the market, her teasing of the public, all sorts of other shite. Sheā€™s the greatest ever apparently. They didnā€™t mention any of her music while framing this argument.
I think sheā€™s pretty poor, my daughter concursā€¦Iā€™m sure sheā€™s a lovely girl and ive nothing against her (taylor, not my daughterā€¦). I donā€™t think she could headline Glastonbury, or even glasgowbury

All it took was one poor game and half of the Limerick support went back to the rubby cc @Juhniallio


Taylor is the new ed Sheeran**

**She isnā€™t.

She could definitely headline Glastonbury, and do a fine job of it as well,
Itā€™s all about the music, nobody is universally popular, Taylor Swift is a superb pop artist in my opinion, Iā€™ve 4 daughters, theyā€™re all huge fans, theyā€™ve grown up with her music, her more recent lo-fi stuff is very different from what she put out before, I think itā€™s time for a pop album


I didnā€™t really like edā€¦but heā€™d a few catchy tunes and you canā€™t really argue with a lad that can headline glastonbury with nothing but a geetar. I dont think Taylor could give us a song in a pub, whereas ed has the makings of a better than average busker

Ye did tbf.

Except on Saturdays
Or replays
Or if the previous week performance was poor

According to one of @thelimericks anyway


@gilgamboa just said it all.

Taylor has a beautiful voice and some banging tunes and is far more versatile than ed who is the big Mac meal of the music industry. Talented musician and performer but bland as fuck

Her music is tedious cliched nothingness. People talk about taylor, not her music.
I wouldnā€™t put too much weight on the opinion of a few teenage girlsā€¦music has been democratised and streaming has made everything available all at once. The savvy teens are listening to stuff from the 60s etc.

Savvy teens listen to all sorts, you know an awful lot about the music of an artist you clearly dislike

Jaysus. Sheā€™s no maria carey. She might have one or two banging tunes in fairness- why else would her bosses pay songwriters to concoct stuff for her.
Stock aitkin waterman etc were looked down on for vastly better stuff.

Youā€™re not allowed to disagree with tracky.

I dont dislike her, sure didnā€™t i say she was a lovely girl. Thereā€™s nothing really to dislike, shes too bland to have any strong feelings about.

I wouldnā€™t dream of it. I should probably go and do some work/or make coffee. Ive probably said all that needs to be said about taylor.

Gimme Madonna any day of the week and twice on Sunday over her. Even now


Ah steady on. They were the nadir of music.


Sheā€™s also very pretty.

Almost certainly definitely slightly above average