Unpopular opinions or views you hold

seems to be the inferrence

Oh now i get it. Sheā€™s not singing about dancing. Sheā€™s singing about having Parkinsons in shake it off

Didnā€™t her father buy her success? She seems to be very well managed and promotedā€¦ She threw herself at a lot of more famous men early in her careerā€¦ All strategic Iā€™d say.

Ye definitely will. Myself and Juhy are happy enough with our conclusion so far anyway l, especially as it was one of @thelimericks led us to it


did he pay kanye for the VMAs?

same as madonna but without the street edginess

Donā€™t tell anyone, itā€™s all been done before.

Madonna was something else. And then when she was no longer relevant, she had a great way of hooking onto the next big thing and using their relevance to boost her own. A savvy savvy unit.


At least they had a huge turnout the following day for the qualifier against Laois!


Was that the day we nearly bet them? Or was that one in Killmallock.

Hon John A and Joe Fitz.

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Yeah ye had them in all kinds of bother before they pulled away to win by 3. They beat Wexford on a horrible wet evening then the following round.

Only a year later Cork put all those goals past ye in Portlaoise.

Simultaneous arguments about the merits of taylor swift as an artist and Limerick hurling attendances circa 2009.

TFK is a broad church


John A pulled out the hurl again there this year to win an Intermediate with his beloved Clough Ballacolla. A hape of the lads who made the breakthrough in 2009 involved, it became their own ā€œlast danceā€. John A, Danny Hanlon, Mick McEvoy (who had hurled centre back in the Leinster Club final the year before), Canice Coonan, Tim Delaney, Jim Doyle, Brendan McEvoy, Shane Hanlon. Serious hurlers to a man.

It appears I have most of the forum like a puppet on a string here :popcorn:

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Whatā€™s Laois for Roy Curtis ?!

Taylor swift is shite even though she has a huge amount of fans and Limerick hurlers are great because they have a huge amount of fans


Tisnt often youā€™d see Taytay compared to Limerick.

They both have a massive, loyal, following.

Fanatical to boot.

both have sugar daddies


I didnā€™t even bother going to that one myself. I think I had some class of house party to go to.

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