Unpopular opinions or views you hold

The best Pele moment and perhaps best ever passage of football was his dummy and miss.

It’s probably more memorable because it was missed. Life is about the journey.

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Pearse Stadium and Wexford Park are grand GAA venues.

The only issue i have with Pearse stadium is the traffic around it. Other than that it does the job. A grand stadium

Wexford Park is grand. The right size of a stadium for Wexford so it usually feels like there is a bit of a crowd in it. Easy get in and out able as well.

Never been at a match in Pearse Stadium, though I kicked football there once. Waterford rarely seem to play up there. Whenever they do I’ll go up and make a night of it.

If a pisstake from a pair of needy wankers is a counter argument forget it. Those 2 aren’t even good pros in their own field :rofl:.

Pele is a legend. End of. He inspired his people. He inspired children around the world to dream big and strive to be like him. As a result some have arguably been better than him. This is something I think makes him smile. The great man brought joy and excitement and now is currently in his last days. I wish him peace.


Sure he was 17 before he won a medal worth mentioning.
Just saying
Cc @anon67715551


I thought the most frequently mentioned aspect about Pearse Stadium is the fact that the Mistral blows through the fecking place.

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You’d want to be winning something decent before you’re 17 to be considered a real Hall of Famer alright.
It’s a pity he never managed a provincial title or even a county title - they would have cemented his status in a major fashion.
We can’t all be from Dungiven I suppose. Will you get a mention in the documentary?

I certainly hope not @anon67715551 . Sure i hate to hear rhese things mentioned…let pele have his moment

Noble sentiments. It’ll be enough that your own folk recognise the feat.
You’re a gent. (The season of goodwill must be approaching). :wink:


That, and it’s the wrong side of the river as things stand. Surface is much better now.

€4 million worth of redevelopment going into Wexford Park at the moment. Pitch is one of the best in the country. Both are wind tunnels, granted, but on scale of top county grounds they’re up there.

If Portugal win the world cup, Ronaldo will be the one getting dragged along, not the other way around

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People giving their new borns these days names that are originally surnames sounds fuckin stupid.


Examples ?

Tyler, Harper, Jackson as first names.

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As soon as there a few young lads with first name of Murphy then we’re really in trouble


What’s your dads name?


Full name?

Mister Murphy

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