Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Succinctly summed up.

It’s interesting he’s choosing to ignore the age question

A cub I’d say

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Its funny. Children of the 90s were probably familiar with every type of clergyman depicted…from the fascist bishop, to the degenerate to the trendy priest. Now the same characters lurk among us as virtue signallers, climate warriors and general wokesters.
Thats the way it’s gone now i suppose


Agreed. The Joe.ie way it went shouldn’t detract from what it was, very cutting and incisive satire of Irish life.


It was just a bit of craic


Well observed once again. Maybe we miss the priesthood for not being around to take in these fellas.

Anyway, Father Ted was a moment in time. A flex of new Ireland to mock the old and move on from it. I was in college when it first aired. Hadn’t even got a television in the place we were staying. Funny when you imagine that now, but we had no need for one really. We were always out and about up to something and when we were home we were smoking, drinking, listening to music and just fuckacting, occasionally we even got a ride. Anyway, we used to head across to a friends house to watch it. It was a bit of a communal thing and it was unlike anything we knew I suppose. Remember, it wasnt that long removed from sitting at home watching Glenroe with your folks. Fuck it, Glenroe was still fucking airing and actually outlasted it. The 90’s were a gas time in that both sides of Ireland still existed, the archaic backward side, and the new Ireland emerging and starting to blink and realise what was going on. Father Ted was symbolic of that time, and it was funny as fuck to boot.


Older than Ross Munnely younger than Pat Critchely

Ah I see, so you don’t understand humour

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The first two series of Father Ted were incredible - as good as any sitcom for me.

Quality nosedived after that save for a few moments here and there.

If it was released now, majority of the cunts in here would be going ‘how twee’. Nostalgia is a funny thing.

Because it was of its era, that era being over 25 years ago mate. Can you not understand that?

So you agree it twee in retrospect?

Fuck are you anyway, get.your gob off Morgan’s corpsed cock

Ah, you’re pissed drunk, carry on.

Anyone watching this tg4 traditional irish music awards show would have to conclude that the Irish are a bunch of twee talentless simpletons with bad toothache

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Poor enough tonight, the willie clancy special yesterday was off the charts in terms of quality. He was the Pele of the pipes, fiddle and dancing


Ah jesus thanks for the reminder i must sort myself out for the festival. Unreal week


And I’d say there was no shortage of Garrincha’s in West Clare


Apparently Garrincha was hung like a dinosaur

An alcoholic goat fucker

A bandy legged one ! A little jockey with the big whip …I don’t think Brazil lost a match when him and Pele were in the same team…