Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Hardly unpopular.

Starbucks coffee and coffee based drinks are as good if not better than any other coffee shop chain

Starbucks frappes are unrale, but the work of the devil. The coffee is average at best, but thats why you posted it in this thread.

Oooft! That’ll go down badly with the coffee snobs around here.

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starbucks is for lads with more money than sense (or tastebuds)

McDonalds coffee is nicer than Starbucks I reckon.


Now this is true

The coffee is shite but the buns can be nice

not to clog the COTY thread, but DJs infamous goal, on todays standards, is a run of the mill goal that no one would blink at.

For years I hated the cunt for it. I suppose back then the rules were far stricter in terms of steps allowed and the bellyaching afterwards went on for ages. I think the timing of it and the fact he did take a few steps extra didnt help. Looking back on it now, it doesnt stand out, but I suppose back then was different standards.


I saw as much when I googled it earlier, I was wondering to meself what all the whinging was about.

Just saw a clip of him pretending to be a German sitting in the audience of the Late Late Show in 1992 on RTÉ there, very very unfunny.

That really is mad. It genuinely wouldn’t even be mentioned now with regard to steps. The kicking stands out even more. Am I right in saying you’d rarely if ever see a lad kick one now at the top level?

I think you are correct thankfully, just to avoid “There are footballers in [insert county] too.”

Gillane kicked a point in last year’s All Ireland final.

Was that the time he dropped the hurl out of his catching hand?

Star wars is shit.


Yes he lost the hurley before the ball came in, and juggled the ball from left hand to right.

Hopefully this transfer works out better for Scotstown

Christy Moore songs by and large are maudlin auld shite


I gave that a like.

I couldn’t say they are shite though as I have never watched one.
Obviously as a child I have see bits and bobs of one but never a full film or nowhere close. It never appealed to me. Of the original 3 I couldn’t tell one from the other for you.
Not seen a bit worth mentioning of the latest 3.
Growing up I had friends who were huge into it and had loads of the figures and toys etc.

Herself likes it too. Will always watch any of them when they are on.


I think he’s a terrible songwriter, but he’s brilliant at singing good songs that others wrote