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Thats beautiful man, I always believed you could kick it.

Kenneth Brnnagh and Disneys considerable heft behind Artemis Fowl, hard to Colfers work fail on the big screen. Its dropping back to 2020 from 2019 could be worrisome though.

Who plays the invisible man?

Trevor Deely


Ah stop. Did they ever find that Icelandic poker fellow?

Loads of upcoming movies but nothing half decent to download. Must be the time of year or the Oscars or something. …

The new Sam Mendes 1917 looks excellent

Uugghh can’t be as bad as Dunkirk anyway.


Sorry allow me to elaborate, Dunkirk is one of the most overrated pieces of shit to ever grace the screen.


Wow, that’s a piping hot take.

It’s been good to see WWI getting more attention from Hollywood of late.

Looks like a more open WWI than we normally hear about. As in, not so much action in the trenches.

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Gets an absolutely rave review in the Times today. Says its a brilliant shoot em up.

Do you need to have seen the previous 1916 of them?

I’d imagine you’d get the gist quick enough

I liked Dunkirk.

It’s a great movie, finished off really nicely with Tom Hardy character being captured by the Wehrmacht. Always nice to see the bad guys get their comupence.
