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The plane scenes are magnificent filmmaking

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Itā€™s a great movie, sorry I didnā€™t go to the cinema to view it.

I only watched in the cinema but I thought it was excellent. Amazing soundtrack too.

Reviews for the Irishman are off the chain

I saw it in 70mm in a Imax. Not really sure what all that means but it was unrale

It was amazing in the cinema. It was like being there.


Were you there?

Iā€™ve been to Dunkerque

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Iā€™ve seen, like, five films in the cinema in the last decade and Dunkirk was easily one of the best of them.


The best filum Iā€™ve seen in the last decade was Goodbye Christopher Robin.
And Skyfall.

James Bond :smile:


I watched it last night and laughed to myself. Sean Quinn Snr. acted like Jimmy Hoffa after his exile in the penitentiary - I want my fucking company and position back you gang of fuckers. It ended in tears for both.
It even had SQJā€™s part as the simpleton son played by Hoffa Jnr. Uncanny.

As an aside, it was great for 2.5 hrs and dragged thereafter. Pesci and deNiro however gave tour de forces rolling back the years. Form is temporary but class is permanent.


Pity someone doesnā€™t call around and paint the Quinn house

Watched the first hour and a half of the Irishman this morning. Very enjoyable. The de-aging thing is not great. They might give De Niro the face of say a 40 year old but that scene where he is kicking the shit out of a shopkeeper, itā€™s definitely the body of an 80 year old thatā€™s doing the kicking. Iā€™d be more limber than the cunt.


I thought the very same thing. Surely could have used a stunt double or something


Same when he was throwing two guns away after popping the loudmouth young mobster. Barely fucked them 5 feet underarm

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He can barely raise his leg :joy:

Pesci is brilliant in it.

Pesci is extraordinary. De Niro is De Niro and Pacino reprised his role in Scent of a Woman. A great movie but the last 20 minutes were unnecessary


