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You haven’t got Iptv do you?

I used to have it. Gave it up.

Tis only for paupers

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black 47 2?

I was thinking that alright but this got better reviews

I Donno, we’ll have to wait and see.

Hasn’t been released yet bar a screening in Estonia. In Irish, so it’s going to have a very select audience.

We’ll live in hope, as my doctor says.

Oh god yes. This could be anything.


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I watched the lion king. It absolutely finished me lads. It’s the saddest film of all time.

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Let’s go blow this guy :clap:

We might finally learn how to use the three seashells.

Just got around to watching this lately. Well worth a watch as it links in well with the series. So necessary viewing before watching series 5. No sign of series 5 yet unfortunately.