US Election result hub 2016

Hope I’m not causing offence with any glaring omissions, but was it just yourself, myself, @anon7035031, @Tim_Riggins, @ProjectX and @The_Most_Infamous that were in the GOP/Trump camp? @Fitzy in handing out his post campaign congratulatory garlands has snubbed all the GOP/Trump supporters on the forum.


Wtf? The majority of the forum was in the Trump camp

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I’m flip-flop-flipping back into the HRC camp.

Hon Hilary.


Not yourself though? Or a flip flopper at best.

No mate, I could be against crooked Hillary and also think that there are right wing bigots on here that are pro Trump

everything isn’t black and white im afraid


I saw Gangs Of New York way back when it was released. Had to go back and dig out a couple of lines.

Boss Tweed: Remember the first rule of politics. The ballots don’t make the results, the counters make the results. The counters. Keep counting.

Boss Tweed: You may or may not know, Bill, that everyday I go down to the waterfront with hot soup for the Irish as they come ashore. Its part of building a political base.
Bill: I’ve noticed you there, you may have noticed me.
Boss Tweed: Indeed I have. Throwing torrents of abuse to every single person who steps off those boats.
Bill: [gleefully] If only I had the guns, Mr. Tweed, I’d shoot each and every one of them before they set foot on American soil.

For once I was in agreement with you too. I was with DJ in heart and spirit.

No sign of Steven since that eventful night. Hope he’s OK.

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Took maroon and pink with him as well, a twofer.

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