US Election result hub 2016

Hilary was pro wars in Iraq, Afganistan, Syria, Libya and Yemen…in some cases she’s on record as saying more boots were needed on the ground.

Most notably in the debates she was v anti Russia which imo was v dangerous. She referenced them more then ISIS as a threat to US security…that was crazy stuff.

Goldman Sachs play both sides pal…they also heavily funded her campaign. They will now focus on further deregulation of Wall St under Trump…

They dont lose elections…or bets. Look at the rights and wrongs of being able to short on mortgages backed securities when Lehmanns collapsed.

Definitely. And there will be a big backlash in Germany next year as well.

He needs to get a few cheap cans down his scrawny neck.

Mike Pence also spent his childhood in Clare footing turf and saving hay. We’re taking our university back and walling ye cunts out.

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Let’s see how Gollum handles the election result on Newsnight now. Jeez Emily looks wrecked.

i cant be going back over all the posts but this time last night were posters here telling us that this was done and dusted as a Clinton victory based on a few exit polls, early counts etc??!

Not on this forum

No, that never happened

In 1994 after 65 min Limerick were going to win AI

In 1999 after 88 minutes I thought Bayern Munich would win champs league

In 1982 Kerry looked good and then came Seamus Darby .

Things happen .

24 hours later and we have the fucking Whitehouse, some kicking for the libtards, we pissed all over them, Hon Trump, Hon America

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I think you’ll find it did, pal.

Away home with you now Sid :wink:

Nice of you to admit you were wrong, pal.:wink:

Not all the pollsters got it wrong

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I was born there and have lived there before.

On his latter point, I agree with him on the longer term impact of that, not necessarily “damage” they could cause.


The Supreme Court issue has been overstated by liberals. There will be no attempt to reverse Roe v Wade, the states decide a lot locally anyway as the constitution intended. Other than that can’t think of one issue of major consequence. Gun control is another red herring, neither party are willing to push anything.

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Sweet Jesus.
Aberdeen man drowned at sea.
Will we ever grow the fuck up?

@Fitzy hasn’t been since this post the fucking coward, your boys took one hell of beating Fitzy, ONE HELL OF A BEATING