US Presidential Election 2016: Sidney's Victory Lap

Yes mate, as a former illegal immigrant myself, who ended up doing pretty damn good for himself and put well into the seven figures in Uncle Samā€™s coffers over the decades, Iā€™m not too bothered by it.

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Youā€™re not the problem mate, as you know well.

What queries? You asked me 1 question, i andwered it. If you have more ask them.

Hold on, where do you live?

Has thrump any chance?

Sid and Kev destroying the right wing bigots here



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Huge, it will be fixed for him to win. Its being set up for someone to come and ā€œsave America and the worldā€ down the road. Trump is there to bring it rock bottom first.
Or they will put Hilary in there and ruin her.
The people who control the world want to show us that they gave a woman and a black person and look what they did, they made a balls of it.

Facts are that crime is down in US, Violent crime is well down, illegal immigrants entering the US is way down. All under Obama. He mended
Relations with a number of countries (although the one with Cuba is just to go in a pilfer it and get the IMF bank in there).

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So he actually said it. And by saying that the liberal media were the only ones mentioning it, you were wrong.

The President of the USA is a puppet for big business.

Made earlier and you refused to answer.

I see the Democrats have confirmed a Crooked Hillary/Corrupt Kaine ticket.

Governer Kaine probably a strong choice. Likely to appeal to mainstream voters and theoretically would appeal to the Roman Catholic vote which has problematic for the Democrats for a while. Heā€™s a better choice than Elizabeth Warren. That said, Iā€™m sceptical as to whether VP swings many votes and it doesnā€™t change the fact that Crooked Hillary herself in an awful candidate.

Where, if its worth asking its worth repeating.

You are stalling because you have no idea what i am talking about.


The liberal media are the only ones talking about it now is the point. He has clearly moved away from the position of mass deportations, which nobody with a brain would take seriously. The only relevant question is what is his actual platform, what does he state policies should be on immigration in general. I think thatā€™s now pretty clear from his website. It shouldnā€™t be a surprise that politicians change or modify their positions, they all do it.

I donā€™t live in Canada, Italy or Portugal.

English comprehension problem, ā€œtalking about deportingā€ is present tense.

Kaine appears to be a strong choice, a safe pair of hands as the cliche goes, which is all you can ask for from a VP. Solid Irish background.

Pence on the other hand appears to be a bit of a fruitcake - he doesnā€™t accept the theory of evolution, is a creationist, and renounced his Catholicism to become an evangelical nut job, much to the dismay of his Chicago Irish family.

Gobshite. You really do need a box