US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

This is the moment you have been waiting for since 2016! Grab a few cans, I’m sure it will be box office and well worth the $25 million of tax payers money.

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That’ll drive the Islamists demented.

Interesting to note you agree with Pompeo’s sentiments, although I thought you claimed you were an atheist (checked for correct spelling this time :smiley:) and despised the influence of religion in politics?

You seem very confused on this?

I’m not an atheist nor have I ever claimed on here to be one. When it comes to religion the only people I find more offensive than fundamentalist Islamists are fundamentalist atheists like yourself. To save you the trouble of googling the phrase, a fundamentalist atheist is a non thinking atheist, a term that describes you perfectly. You are a 7 on Dawkins’ scale, congratulations.

Oh yes you have!*

You don’t even have a clue as to your own beliefs. :laughing::laughing::laughing:

In that post, you haven’t provided any evidence of either thinking, or that I’m a fundamentalist atheist, pal.

The first leads to the second in your case.

So, do you agree with Pompeo that Trump has been sent by God to save Israel, yes?

What is your view on religious fundamentalism influencing politics like this?

*You’re a pantomime, so I went with the theme.

I was misspoken, I meant agnostic.

Where did I say I agreed with Pompeo? I said his words will enrage Islamists, like yourself.

The Trump/ “They were saying Boooo-urns” defence :laughing::laughing::laughing:

Seriously, mate, don’t make yourself look any more stupid than you already do.

I’m asking you whether you do agree with him or not.

It’s a simple question.

Islamists won’t give a flying shit.

I don’t agree with him as I don’t believe in the Abrahamic God.

You don’t think Islamists care about religion now? Even for you that’s a new level of insanity. What’s the whole jihad thing all about then? Are they trying to convert the west to eastern Mediterranean cuisine?

Do you think Pompeo’s comments are idiotic?

I said Islamists don’t care about Pompeo said. They don’t - because they don’t care what anybody in any western government thinks.


Yet you were painting them in a favourable light earlier, practically cheerleading them like you’d expect from somebody on Reddit r/thedonald.

If you claim to be atheist and yet are cheerleading comments by the US Secretary of State - who is a crazy Christian fundamentalist - that Trump has been sent by God to save Israel, it tells us a hell of a lot about what sort of personality you have - and none of it good.

Easily persuaded would be a very kind way of putting it.

Easily brainwashed would be another, more accurate way of putting it.

Fodder for demagogues another.

The classic personality traits of those who were persuaded to support the Nazis are so apparent in you.

This Russian probe is gonna be ground breaking when the conclusions are published. Get your popcorn… apparently after 25m Mueller has uncovered some serious findings.

It’ll do until the rhi inquiry spills the pellets

Poor Rachel Maddow was in tears last night, inconsolable at the reality that the Mueller probe will result in no new indictments and no charges of obstruction. Here’s the excellent Jimmy Dore, an intelligent leftist who like myself has called this hilarious bullshit from day 1. The first minute, which is all from one of her shows, exposes her and all those who followed her religiously for two years as absolute loons.

But we knew that already.

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I see you’re going in for your beloved far right conspiracy theories again. :smile:

It’d be be absolutely hilarious to see a list of the Twitter accounts you follow. A lot of profiles with “Veteran, Patriot, Father. Trump #2020 #QAnon”, on them, I bet.

And a lot of profiles with the trademark bad grammar. “Trump great for America!!!” and stuff like that.

You’ve been drinking the Kool-Aid for two years pal :rofl:

Just save yourself further embarrassment and admit you were spectacularly wrong (again).

Twitter just banned a user for laughing at Rachel crying :joy:

Tim Pool is seething at this.

You literally just fired out a laughable far right conspiracy theory there, mate, and it’s far from the first time you’ve done it. :smile: