US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

You realise he said Jackson stated that he was against the Civil War…even though Jackson had been dead for 20 years?

You’re the clown, and even bigger clown than the one in the White House.


That’s what happens when somebody gets their news from Mike Cernovich.

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That’s not what he said you imbecile.
The disputes between north and south that led to the civil war were going on in Jackson’s time, and long before Jackson. Jackson demonstrated during his presidency he had no time for talk of secession by the south, and strongly opposed it. It’s not unreasonable to suggest he would have dealt differently with the issues that led to the civil war compared to the clowns that succeeded him.
Try getting news from a source other than whatever commie rag you read.

I live in Ireland. And now you’re telling me I don’t spend a lot of time in Europe. You might want to have a look at an atlas, because the last time I checked, Ireland was in Europe, and I’m pretty sure it still is.



It’s just after 8AM in Western Dakota, and just after 9AM in Eastern Dokota.
If you need help identifying states where it’s just after 6AM, happy to oblige.

Ooh. Such anger. SAD!

You’re a laughing stock on here, you’re a walking cliche of the type of angry, gullible fool that watches Fox News, and your views are ridiculed with anybody with a functioning brain.

And it kills you, doesn’t it?

Western Dakota and Eastern Dakota aren’t states.

If you need help identifying some US states, I’m happy to oblige.

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Sid with a pure master class here

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The Malahide swamp dweller, the obese Cark cunt, and yourself haven’t sufficient brain cells between you to make up one functioning brain.

You’re not very good with sharp comebacks, as you’ve shown here, so don’t bother trying.

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Nobody said they were states, they are separate time zones within a state.
Your responses are incredibly weak even by your own poor standards.

Some incredibly strong responses from Sid here even by his high standards

Time for the ref to step in im afraid

Nobody is saying they’re states apart from yourself.

If one of my posts has encouraged you to look at a map over the last few minutes and find out that they’re not, that’s great.

You could do with being a bit better informed. You could do with being a lot better informed, really. If I’ve helped you learn something, even something small, brilliant.

Weak, you have nothing as usual.
Stick to the puns, where occasionally you have something to offer.

No. They’re fairly shit too.


Come now. A bit of self awareness wouldn’t go astray. It’s not too late to change either Sid.


@anon7035031 trying to educate the tool wiper general and the Singaporean Sesame Street translator. Business as usual.


The Nogra boys rallying around their leader & Amber who they excluded getting stuck in too