US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Are you high on swamp gas?


Meacham won a Pulitzer prize for his biography of Andrew Jackson

One of the things you learn from reading this forum is that when @anon7035031 is getting a kicking, @ironmoth won’t be far behind.

It’s like when a rat gets into a house. They don’t come alone. There will always be a second, smaller one, as inevitably as night follows day.

Whether Jackson, had he been president, could have achieved a different outcome is speculation, and isn’t the point raised here. The point here is simpletons believing the alt-left narrative that Trump thought Jackson was president at the time of the civil war.

I would largely agree with Meacham, although it’s speculation as well, albeit well informed speculation. We do know Jackson was a strong president and very tough on his opponents from the south, but have no way of truly knowing how he would have handled the emerging conflict.

@anon7035031 is correct about Trump’s comments on Andrew Jackson. He never said that Jackson would have stopped the Civil War, despite being dead at the time, he was speculating. But Trump can barely string a sentence together and didn’t make his point with clarity, so it’s hardly surprising that people would jump to conclusions, especially given his tenuous grip on historical fact, or reality for that matter.
It’s curious however that Trump would invoke such thoughts about Jackson, who was after all, a slave owner (one of the more humane ones apparently which I’m sure was of great comfort to the slaves he regularly subjected to physical torture). Trump seems to have found the President he wants to reflect, a strong man, a military hero and one generally thought of as being something of a military genius. One who rode roughshod over the constitution and bullied and berated his enemies, or those he perceived to be his enemies.
I await Trump’s revisionism of Sen. Joseph McCarthy and Edgar J. Hoover who I’m sure he thought were grand fellas altogether.

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Look mate, when it comes to slavery and more significantly the genocide of Native Americans, there are are very few innocents. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, regarded as two of the greatest US presidents, had slaves and oversaw the destruction of Indian tribes. Even Abe Lilcoln had little interest in freeing slaves, his interest was in preserving the union whether slaves were free or not.

Humans have been cunts throughout history towards other humans, other species and the environment. Human trafficking and forced labor worldwide is at levels that dwarf 19th century US, there are estimated to be over 20 million people in forced labor and about 500k women and girls trafficked for prostitution yearly, half of whom are minors. It’s horrendous and nobody gives a fuck as long as they can get their cheap gadget.

We have very little grounds as a society to be judgmental about, as long as goods and services produced by slaves are consumed voraciously worldwide. Ireland in particular that had slave labor homes for women up to the 1970s.


Whatabboutery, still doesn’t make it right. Much the same as the whole “ah sure them were the times” bullshit about institutionalised abuse in Ireland in the 20th century.

Where to start :rollseyes:

Perhaps Trump is right here. If the great “deal maker” Andrew Jackson had led a pro-slavery Union in 1861, well then there would have been no civil war. You’d just have had the slavery. Modern Republicans seem more OK with slavery than those of the 1860s, so it makes sense that Trump would be of this view.

It’s like if Britain had been led by Oswald Moseley. Then you’d likely never have had World War II. You’d just have had Hitler ruling Europe.

A complete (but unsurprising), misreading and misrepresentation of what I said. In no way am I excusing the appalling actions of slavery and genocide in history. My point is a completely different one, it’s highlighting the hypocrisy of cunts outraged by slavery in the 19th century, while expressing their outrage on a device that was at least partially produced by slave labor, not to mention watching porn on the same device, a porn industry much of which is based on an enormous human trafficking industry.


They just don’t get it mate, you’re wasting your time on these simpletons.

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House of Representatives vote to repeal and replace Obamacare. Trump to hold a victory party, his first big win.


yes yes yes

Sounds like a victory for democracy.


And the weirdos who come a little in their trousers every time they imagine 24 million people being denied healthcare are in.

It’s a weird fetish, but then these are weird people.

Pot, kettle, black.


That might offend poor Sidney.

Those who seek to deny health insurance to women who have been raped or subject to domestic violence think others are weird for thinking that might be a bad thing.

It takes all sorts, I guess, eh @balbec.

The mad thing is that this was an amendment to enable the bill to get through the House.

The previous bill didn’t go far enough for Republicans. But amending it to discriminate against victims of rape and domestic violence made it attractive enough for them to vote for it.

Donald Trump is turning out to be tremendous president, he showed unreal diplomacy in reaching out to North Korea, you can see why he is so successful in life, he’s a born winner

The site weirdo sitting in his basement in Galway calling people weirdos, you couldn’t make it up.