US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Tried to do what to you now?

You have the same ideology as Lenin, Stalin and Mao.

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Yet you were the person who admitted to having sexual fantasies about her

Utter weirdo

No need to fly off the handle just because you saw yourself in a character with a drink problem - just stop drinking, you utter mess

Please provide documentary evidence of that, I’m sure you’ll be able

There is no difference between left wing extremists and right wing extremists. They both believe all normal people are the mortal enemy of democracy, and they both end up in totalitarianism.



It isn’t a spectrum. It’s a political circle. The more extreme to the left and right the closer they are together.

Basically people looking for any excuse to kill lots of people


You support a party which actively suppresses democracy and you’ve shamelessly defended authoritarian anti-democratic regimes which overthrew democracy

There’s no question of who the extremist is here - it’s you - your views are beyond the pale in any normal society and are no more than hate speech

You are no better than Gemma O’Doherty and just as much of a conspiracy theorist too

@anon7035031 supported the atomic bomb and supports the Saudi regime and supports torture

I am an independent who has voted overwhelmingly fro Democrats as long as I have lived in the US.

You are a delusional nutcase full of hate for your fellow man.

Do you support Maduro?

You are a racist white supremacist Nazi

There is no question about this

It’s time for you to fuck off back into your racist rabbit hole

No and I don’t support those out to overthrow him either

He is however a damn sight more legitimate than those out to overthrow him

Venezuela is currently faced with a choice between a kick in the balls and a kick to the temple

@anon7035031 is on record on this forum as supporting torture - you admit this, yes?

That’s me yeah. Triggered again.

This is the best depiction of it I have seen (Gerry Dorrian).

In a normal pluralist society different ideas can be debated, people can disagree without being right or wrong. As nutcases veer off to the right and left and drag fellow nutcases with them society becomes dysfunctional and eventually democracy collapses. Matters not a whit whether its left wing or right wing extremism, Hitler and Stalin signed a non-aggressive pact for example, both were mass murderers of tens of millions.

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I’m only stating the fact, mate, which is that you’ve been following me around this forum for the last two years like a lovestruck puppy. Apart from that I can’t remember a single contribution you’ve made.

Only one of us is a fan of Hitler or Stalin, and it ain’t me - so work out which one of us it is.

Where the circle joins at the top would be utopia, I presume.

Probably Somalia in @anon7035031’s case.

If it weren’t full of brown people.

Please fuck off. I was asking Lebane

You don’t get to decide who debates here, pal.

Stop trying to clamp down on free speech.