US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

I accept there is no question in your head about this.

That’s the problem though. In your head attacking the children of fellow posters is fair game. Accusing fellow posters of setting up child prostitution rings is fair game. Accusing fellow posters of being rapists, pedophiles, etc is fair game.

Can you genuinely not see who has a problem here?

I asked you to please fuck off. It was a polite request.

You’ve no manners

No, the top is the best you can hope for, a pluralistic society. Utopia is what leftist “intellectuals” argue is possible, but always ends up in totalitarian hellholes.

Oh I get that, but a circle has to have balance. Even if it isn’t achievable the circle has to close. It’s a brilliant illustration

It’s so good, it’s clarified my view on the political circle. I was viewing it across its diameter.

Mind blown

Joe Biden, the current Democratic front-runner, voted against racially integrated bus-routes in Boston and has been accused by numerous female co-workers and employees of inappropriate touching.

Joe Biden was a stand-out wide-receiver in high school who was allowed avoid the Vietnam draft due to asthma that he suffered as a child. He never participated in any anti-war demonstrations as a student. Biden is a teetotaller who has devoted his life to the pursuit of power. He has massively lied in the past about his academic record.

He is expected to win the race for Democratic nominee comfortably.

You support a party which uses bogus claims of child prostitution rings as policy and smears.

You support the caging and separation of young children from their families which leaves them ripe for sexual abuse by Gestapo-like ICE agents.

You specifically defend any Republican who is accused of sexual assault or abuse and demonise their accusers. You’ve had precisely nothing to say, for instance, about the paedophile ring in Florida which a key member of Trump’s regime was responsible for airbrushing out of history with no more than a gentle rap on the knuckles.

You demonise transgender people at every opportunity - people like you are the reason trans people have a much higher suicide rate than others.

For three years you’ve shamelessly defended naked anti-Semitism and other racism. Not once have you called it out for what it is.

I’m not the person who is indoctrinating young people with vile racist hatred on a daily basis or apologising for torture or Nazi demonstrations or nuclear holocausts or twisting history so that the slaveholders become the good guys.

I have no problem at all as regards any of these things because I’m a centre-left democrat who believes in freedom and truth.

You on the other hand are a live and serious far right extremist and a danger to society who I’ve progressively and relentlessly exposed as such for the last three years, and I will continue to do so.

Basically, you are Goebbels.

So you’ve been productive then.

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You don’t do irony, don’t try.

What have you done to deserve manners?

Gobbels never made a lamb tagine in his life


Everybody deserves manners.

People who have admitted to having no manners like yourself deserve no manners.

Even less so a lapdog of a racist scumbag.

Joe’s a good friend of the Oirish mate.

He hasn’t a hope of winning.


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All that is lies. I am a center left Democrat, you are by no means center left, you are hard left.
Sadly it’s normal fare for extremists like yourself, to accuse those who disagree with you of vile slurs and hope some sticks.

Do you think it’s normal behavior, even for here, to accuse a poster’s child in the same fashion?

He hasn’t a hope of winning the nomination.
He would beat Trump.
Why is that so hard to understand.

I put a lot of money on Kamala to win the whole thing early on because she just looked electable. That was before I learned that she was such a power mad cunt that she was riding that ugly old man to advance her career. #metoo.

I’m not 100% buying the idea of the democrat election just being about diversity. I’d never vote for Joe just because he’s a white Irish guy. Why are women or hispanics supposed to be different?

Although I’d vote JFK no matter what he did because he was the first.

Lash out there pal if it makes you feel good about yourself.

I’m sound like that.

That’s some gymnastics there :laughing:

Yet you couldn’t point out one lie. :laughing:

Given that you’re under the child-like belief that the Nazis were left-wing, it’s not surprising how all over the place you are in terms of your self-identification.

From what we know from what you’ve told us, your son is an adult.

Perhaps you should stop treating him like a child merely because you have the cognitive ability of one yourself.