US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Harris and Warren have zero ability to decide if and when Trump is impeached. Currently, not one of the 235 Democratic members of the House are actively calling for impeachment. Also, try not to misrepresent my candidate Kamala, she said they should start the process (interviews, more hearings, etc) and said Democrats have to be realistic as there is literally no chance of Trump being convicted in the Senate.

Perhaps you should write a letter of protest to Nancy Pelosi.

So you think “your candidate” Kamala’s an idiot, given that you think calls for impeachment are idiotic?


This is the sort of thing that happens when a creepy old man decides they support a politician on the basis that said politician gives them a boner.

No need for projection mate.

Impeachment now would be mistaken, that’s the decision that has been taken. Kamala is running for president, she is positioning herself as the strong candidate. The House decides on whether to impeach, which is why she deferred to the house. As I said if you are so upset, write to Nancy Pelosi, I’m sure she’ll take you seriously.

So you now claim to support a candidate who wants to impeach Trump even though you’re completely blind to anything Trump has done and consistently defended him for the last three years. :laughing:

Play the music

I have never defended Trump.

I have voted for Kamala every time she has been on the ballot for the past 16 years. Like yourself Kamala has no ability to impeach Trump. It’s remarkable how naive you are when it comes to politics.

Stick to arguments on TFK where you lose 100% of the time.

Play the music

“Somewhat benevolent”

I think the difference is Islamic State don’t get 100 page glossy magazines from the publisher of the National Enquirer making them out to be grand lads

Mueller has confirmed what everybody knew - well everybody with a brain (so that obviously excludes the Galway Nazi) - that Barr’s so called “summaries” were a load of bullshit.

So Barr was obstructing justice himself. As was fucking obvious.

Still, at least he has one poodle here who’ll believe his every word.

Would I be right in summing up the Labane\Sid discussion about this story as:
Labane: . Cop convicted of murder. See? American justice system works.
Sid: Yes, but a black cop convicted of murder of a white woman. What if it was the other way round? American justice system sucks.

Perhaps you should give us an opinion of your own

See above pal :grinning:

I didn’t see you give an opinion and you still haven’t

It’s my opinion that discussion of the issue could be reduced to the Labane\Sid summaries above. It would save a lot of bandwidth. But I see the reduction in bandwidth hope is in vain.

You haven’t given an opinion on what you posted

As the most knowledgable poster on US politics here that’s disappointing to me

I think labane would dispute your claim to be the most knowledgable poster on US politics here.

According to?

I think he would

I think we can dismiss him as he’s a white supremacist moron

Self praise is no praise… And fyo Barr voted for trump

For those waiting with bated breath, AG Barr is just about to testify to the US Senate. Expect fireworks.

I expect Attorney General Barr to have a pre-prepared statement to say he can’t answer any questions on legal advice.