US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

I expect you’ll be wrong, again.

Graham straight out the gate with a ‘but Hilary’
Nearly forgot to swear Barr in then
Midweek bank holidays can be alright

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I haven’t seen any of this so far but from reading some updates it seems to be nothing but a tissue of lies and contradictions from a Walter Mitty, and another Walter Mitty in Graham

US justice is in total disrepute

It’s as anyone would expect. Dems attacking. Reps but Hillary/Obama-ing.

“I haven’t seen anything of this” but will make my mind up based on the nutcases I follow on Twitter.

Democrats haven’t laid a glove on Barr as yet. As the forum’s US Politics expert I will update if and when they do.

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“Nutcases” like the guy who wrote the special cousel guidelines

That you consider him a “nutter” says it all

Trump superfan who will defend Trump corruption to the nth degree says Trump lackey is doing great


Funny that’s not what you said on when you were shamed into admitting Barr was corrupt

As a fellow truth denier who has contradicted themselves more times than you’ve had hot dinners you must see a lot of yourself in him

I think that’s why you like him

Nail on head

I don’t post on boards. However we know hill16bhoy does and regularly disgraces this esteemed forum with his insane blather.

Nobody takes you seriously mate, don’t confuse people constantly taking the piss out of you with taking you seriously.

You post on as “DreamsBurnDown”

We know you’re lying, you know no other way

Is Barr lying? Simple question, you may answer yes or no

I don’t post on boards, get over your paranoia.

In what part of Barr’s testimony today is he lying? I’m a bit busy here, but I’ll try and free up a few minutes to educate you.

Earlier on you said “Democrats hadn’t laid a glove on Barr”

You seem strangely evasive about whether you know what’s been going on

There are two possibilities here for you

i) You’re watching it and not working meaning you’re accepting lies as truth
ii) You’re working and not aware of what has been going on and so talking through your hoop

Either is a very bad look for you

Answer the question

Is Barr lying?

Liz Warren spot on again

I can’t answer a question you haven’t posed.
What do you think Barr lied about?
Keeping in mind you haven’t watched his testimony.

This sounds a bit like you deciding Paddy Jackson was guilty, before any evidence was heard.

Ask a specific question or kindly fuck off wasting my valuable time.

Answer the question

Is Barr lying?

Go on, answer it, I dare you, you’ve spent the last three years running away from questions, you’re so tedious, for once in your life answer a question, heaven knows it would be the first time

Liz is at 8% in the polls so not surprising she is looking for attention. It’s up to House Democrats to start impeachment proceedings, and so far they have shown no interest in doing so.

You should write a letter to Nancy Pelosi, I’m sure she’ll take you seriously (unlike anyone here).

Lying about what? Be specific the next time or as I said fuck off.

Please answer the question and stop being a coward @anon7035031

You still refuse to answer any question

This is a really bad look for you

OK, fuck off and stop wasting my time.

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Answer the question

In three years on this forum you haven’t answered a single question

You can’t bring yourself to admit simple truths which demolish your wrong narrative

This is what happens when somebody takes a wrong position and defends it in the face of all evidence

So, so sad

What a humiliation for you because you take this all so seriously and yet your “understanding” has been proven to be laughably wrong

I doubt you’ve ever been right about anything in your life

You’re the forum’s equivalent of the National Enquirer with added Nazism