US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Homeland Security? State Department?
The hell with them, this is a DEAL. he gets the best deals while actively working against the interests of his own country.

That’s absolutely disgraceful. Body is not and should never be a verb.


Donald’s got his game face on

hon Trump, that useless Khant is the worst ever mayor of London

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Khan will just buy another balloon while countless more youths are stabbed on his watch.

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Khan, a typical one armed waiter, he can give it, but he can’t take it


I see that whinger Owen Jones on Sky news .

thats been in for years on the esta

It was optional

About time

Have they a section on INTERNET aliases?

I for one love the USA and think Donald Trump is a great man


I know from being a moderator on boards, that a few people have been refused entry to the United States based on their posting on the Donald Trump thread over there.


The British media fawning over the windsors is utterly :face_vomiting:

Will there be extra sheets provided for @anon61878697?

Could you not just say you don’t have any social media accounts?

You can’t be too careful these days.

They will take the phone off you and bring you in for an interrogation, if you are lying you will be refused entry and put on the first plane home