US Politics - A Society in Meltdown


I was talking about the complainant in the Belfast rape trial, as well you know

But nice obfuscation and Rapeublican talking point cut and paste job

It’s not a racist narrative, lots of innocent white men have also been locked up, do you care as much about them? I support their acquittal given they were convicted of a crime with no evidence (rape). They did admit to violent assault, under no duress. So what you are saying is those who confess to crimes are innocent, interesting.

It’s remarkable mental gymnastics, those who are are accused of a crime are guilty, and those who admit to a crime are innocent.

The Jury were obviously convinced she was a liar, that’s how the justice system tends to work you see. But just because you don’t agree with the verdict makes him guilty.

The jury heard all the evidence, more than you heard and read, and found him not guilty.

But you believe he did it. As I said thank goodness you will never be on a jury.

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All charges against them were dropped

But of course you continue to call the guilty because they were black

As usual

It isn’t actually

There’s a thing called criminal burden of proof

But you obviously believe she was a liar

Quelle surprise from one of the forum’s chief misogynists

Misogynist, racist, fascist… oh look it’s @Sidney bingo time for the ad infinitum time. Take off your tin foil hat and wake up to the real world.

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I believe he did it but I accept the jury’s finding of not guilty to the criminal standard of proof

That seems pretty reasonable to me

You’ve now judged and convicted black men for two different crimes for which they were acquitted

You don’t accept those acquittals

Where did I say she was a liar?

What evidence is there that he “did it” as in raped her?

All we can say for certainty from the evidence is he believed he had consent, and she believed he didn’t. Beyond that you have to trust the jury who heard all the evidence.

In your world you think rape is a big laugh and an opportunity to brand women as liars

As does the other bozo

One of the three of us is living in the real world, and it aint either of you

He is beyond the point of no return. A lone SJW fighting all the evil in the world from behind his keyboard, getting angrier by the day. Surrounded by Nazis on all sides, but fighting the good fight.

She shouted “no” and “stop”

He didn’t

Ah making up stories another classic tactic you like to repeatedly go for, I find rape a big laugh? Oh dear.

I can see into the future

A staunchly proud West Brit too don’t forget.

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If you think locking up innocent black men is wrong “you’re beyond the point of no return”

If you think believing rape victims is the right thing to do “you’re beyond the point of no return”

Racism and misogynism are the new “centrism” though, or something

It ain’t me that has problems with anger, mate

Your entire worldview is viewed through the lens of racism and misogynism

That’s a tragic place for any human being to be

They were wrongly convicted of rape, strangely enough the thing you believe there should be more of (rape convictions). If every rape accuser is believed, there will be lots more wrongful convictions.

There were rightly convicted of assault, something they admitted. It was incorrect to acquit them of assault, but correct to release them and compensate them for their time served for rape.

I understand this is a gray area for you, and you don’t see gray, as it’s that empty space between your ears.

I didn’t make up anything

That you think she was a liar is as clear as day

You were too gutless to admit it outright so you framed it through claiming that that’s what the jury found

They didn’t find anything of the sort

At least own your misogynism

Acquittal of all charges is not a grey area

You seem determined to keep running with the racist Trump narrative despite it being long discredited

That can only be down to racism

They weren’t innocent, several people were viciously assaulted that night in Central park, they were arrested at the scene and they admitted to it.

If you believe all accusers, then the logical outcome is wrongful convictions.

These are the correct moral positions to take, you have a deeply flawed moral compass.